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About LepaJan

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  1. I have a problem with WinCE. Does anyone can help me. Mine was successful make 15 steps. My unit starts format Flash disk, but about 30 secunds (44 percent of all formats) Screen goes black and thats all. What do to. Are there any other options for updating WinCe http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=31236&start=45
  2. I have a problem with WinCE. Does anyone can help me. Mine was successful make 15 steps. My unit starts format Flash disk, but about 30 secunds (44 percent of all formats) Screen goes black and thats all. What do to. Are there any other options for updating WinCe. I attaced a video file. 1. format an SD card on your PC using the FAT32 file system 2. Check that your SD has no files on it 3. Copy from the files WINCEIMG.BIN and WINCEIMG.CKS from the above zip to the root dirctory of your new SD card 4. Verify the only files on the new SD card are WINCEIMG.BIN and WINCEIMG.CKS 5. Boot you
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