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Everything posted by Pioneer-Avic

  1. 1) Where is your antenna mounted? 2) Do you have speed pulse connected? 3) On the screen that shows the milage driven does the very last tab at the bottom say 3d Hybrid?
  2. And any website that you open with Safari browser that plays Quicktime videos should work.
  3. I tried the Waze and it did not work. It seems only applications that play video will work on the system. The application mode was not in the original specification sheet I received. I have requested information on this feature and will respond back when I know more about this.
  4. I have an EVO and I will say the Bluetooth works fine with it. At this time there is no additional connectivity for the android phones. This is something I will address with product planning for future models.
  5. The netflix and you tube app works fine using app mode. Please let me know if there is anything else you would use app mode for and I will look into it.
  6. This is incorrect. I am one of the Pioneer engineers and I can tell you the traffic works through an external add on which is compatible with model year 11 software. The traffic connector is a 6 pin harness that connects to the 6 pin plug to the left of the main power supply. After you update the unit and purchase the traffic receiver you will be able to receive traffic on model year 10 units. I have personally tested this on the Avic Z 120bt.
  7. If you update your unit and buy the traffic receiver, the traffic will work. ADMIN EDIT: This is incorrect. See the details a few posts down.
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