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Everything posted by mikedecaro

  1. Can you install this version and let me know what the new alerts say? There should be two more (Window and App Frame). The multipliers may have changed in this version as well. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2591/AppRadio/AppEx_iPhone5_Test5.deb To do this, I have to figure out the multiplier issue first. On paper, my calculations work out perfectly. There is something else going on in translation that is throwing off the calibration by a scale of 0.9.
  2. I haven't looked at the phone issue yet. Do the notifications stay on the screen for a while and then disappear? or do they stay there until you switch apps? I'll put the music rotation and notification issue one the todo list. I know what's causing the notification problem, just haven't had a chance to fix it yet. Check out SiriBoard in Cydia. It adds a Siri icon to the home screen. Haven't tried it in a while but it used to work well. Did you try setting Bypass Launch Alert in the settings to Ignore?
  3. Here is the test build for the iPhone 5. The multiplier values are at the bottom of the settings screen. Make small increments around 1.0. Also, landscape and portrait may react differently to these values so test one orientation at a time. Numbers that work in one orientation may not work in the other. ** The black bars are disabled in this version to prevent accidental off screen presses. ** AppEx_iPhone5_Test3.deb The goal is to keep the touch location relative to your finger as you move around the screen, even if its not directly under your finger. I'm trying to prevent the issue where
  4. Just change the beta number in the link in the first post. The old beta's are all still there.
  5. Yea, thats a good idea. The next version will have some extra fields in the settings. Sounds like it's just off by a multiplier. Thanks for the help.
  6. Just released beta 15. It fixes a bunch of reported issues: Notifications. Switching from an unsupported app back to the AppRadio app menu. Launching the AppRadio app via Activator. Springboard rotation when closing an app. Missing app icons. I also added a Force Mirroring option for apps that have built in support for external displays (include Pandora). NOTE: I made some modifications to the touch calibration in this version as well. If anyone has issues with any device, let me know.
  7. Can you try moving Mint out of a folder and see if the problem goes away? I think I know what's causing it, just trying to confirm. I'm working on fixing the launch issue. You can work around it for now by setting the Bypass Launch Alert setting to Accept. It should do the same thing as Activator.
  8. Where are you selecting Spotify from? The AppRadio app menu or the icon in the corner? Does the screen just turn white immediately or does it animate like its launching the Spotify app first? Does it work if you press the "Home" button and launch Spotify directly from the springboard?
  9. Can someone record a quick video of their iPhone 5 running the latest AppEx beta? I want to see where the touches register on different parts of the screen while mirroring. After that, I should have more than enough information to figure out whats wrong.
  10. I don't think thats part of the auto kill feature. Sounds like a bug. I'll look into it.
  11. I also need someone with an iPhone 5 to run this version, press on each corner of the head unit screen, and tell me what the alerts on the iPhone screen say. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2591/AppRadio/AppEx_iPhone5Test.deb
  12. Yea, thats fine. I also need you to run a coordinate test on the phone but I need to write some code for that. Working on it now.
  13. Install cycript (on Cydia). Plug the phone into the radio. Start the AppRadio app and wait for everything to load (but don't press anything). SSH to your phone. Run this command: cycript -p AppRadio This will launch the cycript console, linked to the AppRadio app Run these commands in cycript: UIApp.keyWindow.recursiveDescription [uIApp.windows objectAtIndex:0].frame [uIApp.windows objectAtIndex:1].frame [uIScreen.screens objectAtIndex:0].bounds [uIScreen.screens objectAtIndex:1].bounds [uIScreen.screens objectAtIndex:0].currentMode [uIScreen.screens objectAtIndex:1].curren
  14. I know how I can debug the iPhone 5 touch issues but I'll need some help. I'm looking for someone who knows how to ssh into their phone and run some scripts while it's plugged into the head unit. Any takers?
  15. Can anyone confirm that the resize issue (triangles in the corners) is fixed in the latest beta?
  16. That's what it looks like. I may add a "Force Mirroring" option for apps like this. It kills the process so the code that forces the AppRadio app to run in the background is shut down. More of a "just in case something goes wrong" feature. Going back to the springboard doesn't necessarily kill a process. If it is in some weird stuck state, an app can keep running after pressing the home button. Activator isn't going to fix that unless it actually kills the underlying process.
  17. I'll look into it. What are you doing to determine this? The process is killed when the cable is unplugged. You will still see the app in the switcher at the bottom of the screen, but that doesn't mean the app is running.
  18. Just released another update that fixed the resize/triangle issue on my device. Let me know if it works for you. I'll take a look for the next beta. No promises though. I'll install SBRotator on my device and see what I can do. Should be able to fix everything related to rotation in your video.
  19. Just pandora? or all supported apps? Safari is a know issue due to sandboxing. I'll look into the home landscape issue though. Use the link in the first post and change the beta number.
  20. Just posted an update: Fixed the auto rotate issues. Safari seems to run in a special sandbox, so it still doesn't rotate. Updated the Pandora home button to bookmark on double tap (just keep pressing the bookmark button quickly a bunch of times). The AppRadio app is now killed when you unplug the cable. Added the Home button to the AppRadio app menu. I still don't know what's causing the resize issue. The triangles on the sides of the app is actually the ends of the AppRadio app dock across the bottom. I'm thinking it's a problem with overscan but everything I tried hasn't worked yet.
  21. Done. I don't see a need for a setting. Just kills the app when you disconnect the cable.
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