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Everything posted by Butchukoy

  1. I already did the 2010 maps and firmware update, but still the problem persists. I'm guessing it's a hardware problem, probably the touch screen/LCD. Just wanna share..
  2. (Maybe it's already winter time in your place, that's why its snowy? ...) Kidding aside, I tried to remove my LCD panel/touch screen recently because I had a problem with it (not responding to touch), and when I put it back, I forgot to "lock" the clip for the ribbon wire so it's kinda loose, and the screen was also like that, only lines were present but cant read or distinguish whats written on the screen. MAYBE your ribbon wire is loose? I'm just guessing though, based on my experience
  3. I also have the same issue with my z1. I checked the firmware and its already a z3 firmware, or is it? Platform: 3.000100 Recovery: 1.000000 BootLorder: 1.000000 CPU Core: 00000004 APL Program: 3.100400 GPS Program: 1.200000 Are there any updates on this issue? Thanks in advance!
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