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About gpriore

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  • Birthday 10/14/1981

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  1. Here are 12 additional links of amazing pictures I took of the 2013 TeleAtlas Maps version from my AVIC-Z120BT: 01 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBZTRxeXlZOVBZWUE/view 02 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBcXo2TWlwZWRyVGM/view 03 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBbHdJdzY1SGQwaFE/view 04 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBMHhLVllnRndoMXc/view 05 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBQU92OHExQ3hCdGs/view 06 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BKs9PM9JwBNkdwOFVDMnBKenM/view 07 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BK
  2. That is highly interesting how you are asking the same exact questions as me, and also, how you acquired the exact photograph I took.
  3. Would you mind explaining details regarding how I was insulting? According to my original message, I was actually outrageously kind and thankful. Also, 3D actually 'was' turned on in the settings.
  4. I never received a response to my original question. Would somebody require money just for a simple response? If so, let me know how much, and instructions on where to send payment in advance. The following was my original question: I have read this entire thread very carefully. I would like to thank all the great people that participated and offered their invaluable feedback. I have the AVIC-Z120BT with the 2013 TeleAtlas Maps and the 5.0 firmware. I am exorbitantly happy with it. I strictly use the GPS and my iPod Classic 500GB with it, and 'nothing' else whatsoever. I have just one s
  5. I have read this entire thread very carefully. I would like to thank all the great people that participated and offered their invaluable feedback. I have the AVIC-Z120BT with the 2013 TeleAtlas Maps and the 5.0 firmware. I am exorbitantly happy with it. I strictly use the GPS and my iPod Classic 500GB with it, and 'nothing' else whatsoever. I have just one simple question, and would be immensely grateful to whoever would respond. I sampled the new AVIC-8200NEX at an authorized dealer who had it on full display. Since I knew in advance that the new systems and updates converted from TeleAtlas
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