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About =JSG=

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  1. Any developers out there who know how to edit and re-pack the .HAT file?
  2. That sounds very interesting. Try it dude and let me know
  3. No doubt its a good deal. I was talking about the unit itself, this unit is pretty useless without ARL. I am lucky it works with my Xperia ION via HDMI.
  4. All these rebates, Looks like Pioneer might be bailing on these units. They are trying to make what ever money they can.
  5. Give it a try, I am also curious. I have read online that the USB port for firmware updates does not support media. One can only hope.
  6. No, because there is no SD card slot on AR2
  7. Any updates on this? I bought this unit because I thought developers will be all over it, I guess time to flip it for a DVD/USB unit.
  8. That looks great, Where are the developers when you need them? Also while someone is customizing the GUI also look into enabling USB media support
  9. I have had the same question since I had the unit, seems like a pretty big over sight by Pioneer. I still find it hard to believe that you can use the USB input for firmware update but no flash drive support for media.
  10. I was curious if the USB port that is used for firmware update can be used to add custom wallpaper on the SPH-DA100? and if there is anyway to use a pen drive for music/video?
  11. Update! Everything works now 100%. All I had to do was uninstall Pioneer AppRadio app and do the calibration on AppLiberator
  12. I'm not sure what you mean about "mirror mode" but I had the phone connected via HDMI
  13. Thanks 400ixl. I just powered on the deck and plugged in the HDMI into my rooted Xperia ION and BOOM!! it works. AppLiberator also works. Only issue I found is that the touch screen does not work when in mirror mode, any ideas?
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