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Everything posted by SPORK

  1. I was meaning pulling the mute wire out and re pinning it in different connectors. you can test the wire after pinning it with a D.M.M. and see if it reads any voltage or ground also turning on your parking lights (if your illumination wire is hooked) to see if there is a voltage jump just in case it is a output. I would try thees methods myself but I am trying to recommend some methods to see if we can bypass this z2 so I don't have to try to find a z1 and pay more for it. Thanks
  2. Has anyone tried to ground the other three pins in connector 2 or tried applying ground to the z1 bypass pin then removing from ground the reapplying ground to it? Just a suggestion for some z2 owners to to try but I do not know if there will be consequences to doing that as far as damaging the unit. Thanks let me know if any work.
  3. I don't know if anyone has tried this yet, but has anyone tried to load the avic z1 bluetooth update disk into the z2. It updated the bypass for the pre July z1 units maybe it will do the same for the z2. (sorry if this was already mentioned but just throwing some ideas out)
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