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About meluvalli

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  1. Just wondering if this was the actual NAV on the head unit or was this an app like Google Maps on the iPhone. I am having the same problem when I am using Google Maps... Even if I'm not outputting Google Maps to my head unit and leaving it on my phone. My phone will show me going sideways down the street
  2. Hi all. I have updated my X930BT to the X940BT firmware. Everything works great. Ran the regular nag hack to remove the nag when going into navigation. However, I am still getting a nag screen if I go into AppRadio mode on the unit. Nag Screen starts with: CAUTION! Review instruction manual for safe operation of this product.... Is there any hack to remove this nag? My Service Info: Platform Version: 4.000 Application Version: 4.010 Version: 04.0000 Bluetooth Firmware: 3.24 Thanks!
  3. To get it to install with 4.0, you can modify the ScriptExec file... After the Installation will start in 5s and Sleep 5000 lines, add the following: COPY -c USER\PRG0\APL\Av.exe SD\PRG0\APL\Av1.exe COPY -c USER\PRG1\APL\Av.exe SD\PRG1\APL\Av1.exe This will backup the current AV.EXE to your SD Card. Then before the REMOVE USER\PRG.FLG file add the following: REMOVE USER\PRG0\APL\Av1.exe REMOVE USER\PRG1\APL\Av1.exe COPY -c SD\PRG0\APL\Av1.exe USER\PRG0\APL\Av1.exe COPY -c SD\PRG1\APL\Av1.exe USER\PRG1\APL\Av1.exe You will need to create the directory PRG0\APL and
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