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About gdenuf4atruck

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    SF Bay Area
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  1. I would like to move my Z110BT from my F350 to my '02 Silverado before I sell the F350. The dash area where the existing radio in the Silverado is installed is canted towards the driver more than the recommended 5 degrees. The manual says "Install the navigation unit horizontally on a surface within 0 degrees to 30 degrees tolerance (within 5 degrees to the left or right). Improper installation of the unit with the surface tilted more than these tolerances increases the potential for errors in the location display, and might otherwise cause reduced display performance." This seems to r
  2. I would like to move my Z110BT from my F350 to my '02 silverado before I sell the F350. The dash area where the existing radio is installed is canted towards the driver more than the recommended 5 degrees. The manual says "Install the navigation unit horizontally on a surface within 0 degrees to 30 degrees tol- erance (within 5 degrees to the left or right). Improper installation of the unit with the surface tilted more than these toler- ances increases the potential for errors in the location display, and might otherwise cause reduced display performance." This seems to ref
  3. Thanks bashed1. That looks like a pretty simple fix. I'll give it a try when I get back home in a couple of days. As you note, that is the SR100 but I can at least take the SR11 apart and see what I can do. It is certainly worth a try. I only paid $33 for the remote at http://www.CartronixPlus.com with dealer only/no factory warranty. Thanks again.
  4. Just kicking this thread to see if anyone has heard or knows of a steering wheel remote that works well with the D3. I just received my CD-SR11 which works for some audio functions as long as I hold it about 12"-18" from the face of the D3 but not when mounted on the steering wheel. I have had similar results to others on this and other threads. Any updates since May '07?
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