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Everything posted by zetaR

  1. Hello Mike, how should I use SBRotator and activator? Thank you for your work!
  2. "AppRadio app is killed when the cable is unplugged to help with battery drain" to me it does not work. Why?
  3. Do not use anything to rotate the spirngboard: within the home and open Safari and it automatically rotates. As I said, when I enter the home, the screen does not rotate (it would be nice that it did) and the touch is not working properly (I can not change the page).
  4. home button: the screen does not go into landscape and the touch is not working properly. I've noticed that starting safari home button function, it must be correctly in landscape.
  5. I have the same problem with ipod touch 4. With iphone 4s instead work properly.
  6. I did not understand, with APPEX you igo primo work without add on?
  7. In order to preserve the original cable, I bought this extension: http://www.miniinthebox.com/it/adattatore-per-dispositivi-apple-iphone-ipod-e-ipad-colori-assortiti_p351985.html I pasted in the cup holder and it works perfectly!
  8. can not be compared with that of the U.S. version EURO?
  9. I solved it! You have to disable the option: "send audio to the speakers," in the AUDIO section of waze. Thank you.
  10. If I active the function mix with the radio, the sound of waze out of the phone. How do I get him out of the car speakers?
  11. My PV "is a good alternative. Thanks
  12. I did not understand what you mean.
  13. Is there a way to turn off the radio completely with a single touch?
  14. yes, but I can not for now check youtube from 'AppRadio. I was hoping for an alternative, waiting for Mike to update APPEXT.!
  15. The APP works perfectly. Unfortunately it is not enabled, watching videos, like youtube. It 'a shame. Is there a remedy to this limitation?
  16. an update is released. Now works with ios 6?
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