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Everything posted by captslush

  1. You can send it back to Pioneer with your receipt of purchase showing the serial number and they will unlock it. P.S. Your setting yourself up for trouble because people are going to assume it was stolen... So remember the password or send it in, because the person that stole my AVIC-D3 probably having the same problem right now!!!
  2. [quote name="bradthomashines"]can someone do a z71 logo on a carbon fiber back ground with the Z red in color and the 71 silver? and also maybe one with this pic of my [url=http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=33949050&albumID=2476438&imageID=49795975truck]http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.c ... 95975truck[/url] thanx in advance[/quote]
  3. [quote name="infochia"]Hi, Could anyone make a background for a black Hummer H3 please? Thank you in advance![/quote]
  4. [quote]vncshots: Can anyone make a Toyota Camry SE wallpaper or already have one?[/quote]
  5. [quote name="BSPX"]I have searched this entire site and gotten maybe 7 toyota (just toyota) backgrounds. I have seen multiple requests for toyota tacoma (new body style). Can someone please put together a cool tacoma X-Runner background? It would be awesome if the people with the BMW, Scion, Honda, Mustang, and GMC guys would start searching the forum for pics instead of requesting some when there are already tons. thanks in advance[/quote] As you requested
  6. [quote]del842: OMG.. Can somebody do this one with a bowtie on the corner in place of the Scion??? I think this is Layd Dly's work. [/quote]
  7. [quote]djradman36: that honda one is nice, can someone make one with this sti logo and says Welcome DJ Radman instead of the subaru technica international? Captslush, would u be able to do this? maybe also with a blue background? thanx[/quote]
  8. Here is one I made for my Ram and also my first
  9. Could someone make a dodge ram 1500, please. Thanks
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