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Everything posted by 2000se

  1. for #2- all you need is a hdmi and usb cable connected to the back of the unit. Don't need to spend the money on the cd-ih202. for the iPhone w/ lightening port. I've been using this setup for almost 2 years now. for #3 - it is cumbersome..Have to go into the app radio mode. and even then it still is pretty much crap. Even when you use the media app or what ever it is. I find it so much easier to just stream via BT to unit and use the iPod to control.. for #4- I gave up on voice control.
  2. you should be able to stream anything to it. I stream netflix, youtube, eyetv, etc.... I have a iphone5 with usb/hdmi cable connected..
  3. I know this is an old thread but Ditto. I'm using an Iphone5 to cook eggs while connected to appradio. Does pioneer know about this?
  4. I feel like if I keep running it like this I will end up damaging my phone..And your right I did notice that if playing music only and turning the phone screen off it ran much cooler..still crap though. shouldn't be generating that much heat..thanks for the reply
  5. and what about the heat issue? anyones else's phone getting super hot while streaming video to the unit?
  6. I have not seen this as an option for this version. BTW - I am running this on a z150
  7. Another question -- does anyone else's phone get stupid hot while streaming Netflix to the radio? Holy cow. I watched a 30 mins episode and I felt I could cook an egg on my phone when I was done.
  8. Yeah. This would be nice. You could put all the crap behind the dash and only have this. Was actually thinking of something like this the other day. What I would like to see if if you could make it a plug mount in the dash instead of just a cable dangling there. I installed both a USB port and a hdmi port in my dash. I could remove the hdmi port and replace it with this.
  9. Ok. A couple of items. First , I can't seem to get pandora to show as an icon on the app screen. Second, what if this was combined with iRotate to show a full iPhone screen on the pioneer and it could be used as touch. Make sense?
  10. Thanks mike -thanks vblue42. I edited my post right above yours to include what I found out after looking around a little bit more. I guess I was an idiot for not looking there until now. We'll see what happens when get the phone plugged in.
  11. Wait - I think I understand now. You mean the settings in the settings app for the phone. Just found that now. I was thinking that I should be seeing that under the settings button inside the app radio app. But it's not. It's inside the settings app for the phone. DOH! Got it now. Thanks!
  12. 2000se

    TestModeKey z150bh

    initial images of test mode for z150
  13. 2000se

    IMG 1684

    From the album: TestModeKey z150bh

  14. 2000se

    IMG 1686

    From the album: TestModeKey z150bh

  15. I gonna ask a dumb question here - the important note says only compatible with v1.8 of appradio. I can't find that version. Only 2.2.0 is showing. Also, it shows that this is compatible with avic-z150. Pretty positive I'm not doing something right here. I still see all the standard apps and have no way to choose or add additional ones.. pretty lost here as you can see relevant details: iphone5 iOS 6.0.2 installed appradio extensions v 2.0.1-173 from decaro.com/repo avic-z150
  16. Ok. Cars in the shop right now so as soon as I get it back ( hopefully Monday ) I'll give it a shot.
  17. I concur with this. I have had no issues in the past few days driving around.
  18. The key you provided doesn't not allow me to enter testmode. To make sure I have a z150. Inserted SD card into slot I started the z150 It said checking media Then it said unable to enter testmode Anything else you need me to try?
  19. How can we dump all the original files for safe keeping? Or can we
  20. I asked this another thread but figured it might be relevant here… By applying this update, are we over writing certain files that might aid in breaking into the software. I'm specifically thinking from a jailbreaking perspective as is done with the iPhones where having a jailbroke iPhone and updating with apple supplied updates will update basebands and all that jazz. So I guess I'm asking is applying this update safe from a hacking perspective ?
  21. I didn't hook it up because I didn't think it was that important ...I might later, but for now I'm good to go.
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