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Everything posted by djboyelpaso

  1. Has anyone actually tested this yet?? Do we know if this will even work in motion driving more than 5mph as mentioned above??????
  2. Trust me I realize Pioneer isn't that "small company", why would it be worth the time and energy if they were? It's the perception of the consumer and how they treat that consumer that really matters. Pioneer + Consumer=Profit take the consumer out of the equation and Pioneer isn’t too profitable are they? Ultimately this is about getting Pioneer to recognize that their customers do have a voice and they better be listening to that voice. This is a model we have seen demonstrated time and time again throughout America. More often than none, those consumers usually end up coming out
  3. I had this unit professionally installed by Custom Sounds here in Texas. They have looked at it several times and concur it is an issue with the hardware; it has been replaced three times. All three units perform with the same inaccuracies.
  4. I have used many GPS systems, my $600 Lowrance GPS I purchased from Sams Club is doing a better job than this $2000.00 piece of junk mounted in my dash. I realize map data and interference are all factors in the performance of a system but when you put it side by side with other GPS units the results should be like apples and oranges not apples and squash.
  5. Well I am happy to see I have at least started a discussion on the issue. My problem is not with the map data, living in a large metro area I realize that it is impossible to be 100% accurate at all times. My issues are with the lack of support and attitude I have received dealing with Pioneer support. For those of you who have inquired: My VSS is hooked up, the Pioneer GPS antenna included is front and center of the vehicle mounted on my dash with an unobstructed line of sight to the northern sky and surrounding window view . I find it unnecessary to even mention the possibility o
  6. How many of are fed up with Pioneer Electronics US support? I purchased over $8,000.00 in Pioneer products this past May, one of those being the infamous Z2. At the time, I noticed a number of issues some of those being: Incorrect routing: Poor Accuracy of the GPS itself - I have found many times as I am driving in San Antonio that I will be driving on one street and the GPS unit is showing I’m on a totally different street parallel to the one I am actually driving on. -I have had the unit tell me to turn right onto a freeway entrance ramp that is actually on my left.
  7. I have an Avic Z2 with the CD-IB100, my radio recognizes an Ipod is connect and the Ipod touch recognizes an accessory is connected but I am unable to access any songs on the Ipod or Search the Ipod for music. The display on the avic Z2 displays "no Songs". Does anyone have any suggestions? Is the Ipod touch compatible with the Avic Z2 and D-IB100? I have tested my Ipod adapter with older ipods in the past but this one seems to be giving me trouble.
  8. Thank you to EVERYONE who worked tirelessly on this, I FINALLY got my bypass ) DJBOY
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