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Ive noticed that my avic z1 when on a freeway and if I took a off ramp to a parrallel street the arrow would refuse to leave off the freeway unless I made a drastic turn or a direction change. or if im on the freeway and theirs a fork in the road onto another freeway it would keep me going on the previous freeway and not the new freeway again unless It deveated far enough from the original freeway and it would jump to my position. ive noticed this going on and off of freeway ramps and other parrallel street turs and so forth. What can be done to correct this and is this fixed in the z2 and z3.

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The software uses "sticky" positioning with regard to streets and routes. If you have a predefined route the unit will tend to stick to that route until a distance threshold is crossed by the GPS location. It just assumes you will follow its suggested route.


When not routing it just assumes you'll stay on the road you're on unit it gets sufficient enough data from the GPS signal. It does this so that even if the GPS signal is off a bit the tracker will "stick" to the closest road. These units are only accurate to within 5 or 10 meters. If the tracker didn't "stick" to the road it would often look like you were driving in the ditch next to the road.


It is a standard short coming of a GPS system in that they can't read minds and they are not accurate to a couple of inches.

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I know about the sticky positioning , its just that sometimes it takes too long to update where i am. especially if im on a parrallel road. It should realize this when the cornering g's has changed and while on the off ramp im drifting further away from the road. Going on and off a ramp I can deal with cause most of the time it corrects itself, its when I take a short off ramp and on to a parrallel street I get the bothersome problem . Why does it wait until ive made a drastic turn to correct its position. My portable tomtom on my phone, it has the sticky positioning but it corrects position quicker and doesnt present this problem unless im in a parking lot or something which I understand...

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