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Posted Speed Limit

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Does anyone know how to display the Current Speed limit for the road you are on? I'm using Maverickster's Altitude and Speed Mod and thought it would be nice to also display the Speed Limit of the road you are traveling on. I know the unit tracks this info because you can turn on the speed limit warning function.


Thanks in advance....

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Does anyone know how to display the Current Speed limit for the road you are on? I'm using Maverickster's Altitude and Speed Mod and thought it would be nice to also display the Speed Limit of the road you are traveling on. I know the unit tracks this info because you can turn on the speed limit warning function.


Thanks in advance....


I believe it's:




So to add it on the "no route selected" screen in the mod I posted, replace the following code:


;current speed, altitude when not navigating


with something like this:


;current speed, altitude when not navigating


If you want to add it to the route box that displays when a route is selected, you're going to need to tell me what variable you want to replace.


Note, I haven't actually tried this, so I'm not sure it will work, but it should.

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Let me know if it works. I may be interested in adding this myself. Actually, can you try this as well?


;current speed, altitude when not navigating 


I'm hoping this shows the current speed/speed limit in the following format:


[current speed] / [speed limit] mph.


If that works, I'm sure there's a way to turn the numbers red when the current speed exceeds the speed limit (either immediately or after it exceeds it by a given number or percentage), but I'm not familiar enough with the coding to know how to do that off the top of my head.



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Only problem I see with the speed limit is that (at least here in metro detroit) it only shows speed limits on the interstate highways!! not on any local roads or state roads!! WHAT GIVES, is this everywhere or just here....



Oh yeah they uped the speed on our highways to 70mph last year 04\2007 i wanna say but the AVIC still says 65!!!

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Only problem I see with the speed limit is that (at least here in metro detroit) it only shows speed limits on the interstate highways!! not on any local roads or state roads!! WHAT GIVES, is this everywhere or just here....



Oh yeah they uped the speed on our highways to 70mph last year 04\2007 i wanna say but the AVIC still says 65!!!


Good point. How about this:


;current speed, altitude when not navigating 


This should display the speed as "[current speed] mph" when there is no speed limit info available and as "[current speed]/[speed limit] mph" when a speed limit is available.

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Maps won't necessarily have posted speed limits for each section of the road everywhere. It uses average realistic speed for generating routes anyway.


Also, there's a separate text model that has speed limit's units, which you can combine with speed number itself.


If a limit was changed in 04/2007 it would not have necessarily made it into stock maps (2007.10 I believe). NHewer maps might have it.

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Yup, you're right. But I had some time this evening to mess around with it, and I got it fixed. Here's the code.


Replace this:


;current speed, altitude when not navigating 


with this:


;current speed (and speed limit where present) and altitude when not navigating



Here's what happens when you do that:


No route active, and no speed limit detected (number is current speed)



No route active, but speed limit detected (first number is current speed; second number is speed limit):



Have fun!



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No route active, but speed limit detected (first number is current speed; second number is speed limit):



Have fun!




Damn Doc! Where were we going........


HA! No, I'm actually sitting still. Couldn't actually take a clear picture while driving, so just took a picture when I was testing out the spacing....

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I know this is off topic but "mgreinke Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:42 pm Post subject:




Either the Speed Limit Mod isnt working correctly or the stock iGo doesnt know the speed limit on many roads around where I live. Garmin (using LeetLauncher v2.0) however has no problem displaying the posted speed limit.

I would like to know how you got Garmin to work properly with LeedLauncher2.0, mine looses gps signal in a few seconds, hope you have a solution to my problem. thanks for any response.

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