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Avic-S1 hacks & Mods...

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  • 2 months later...
U have to change the baud. I send u a private message with instructions attached.



Hi PysiekChicago.

I have the same problem with my Avic, I can't get up the gps receiver.

Can u also send me a message with instruction How to do this? Please..

Br Patrick


OK, I catched how to do this....If somebody need's helf I can help... JUst ask me by e-mail or this Forum. BR

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  • 2 months later...

Sat signal, It should get the signal automatically if not change your sys file to baud 4800 and try to connect. I dont know why your creen is upside down? You might want to try a fresh install....



Question for people using this with wolf bar. I can get to mio, runs fine and exit ok. But how to you quit Pioner Nav when you go to that? I cant get it to close to return to windows. Or are you just leaving it open and keep it running in the background.


Can someone help with the settings of the quick buttons if that is the case. Sometime it freaks out and It looses its information and links and displays a home icon on the top left corner. Thanks .

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