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Hi guys,


I'm new here and I am extremely interested in purchasing an AVIC-Z2. This might be a question that people always hear is what's the main difference between the two models in terms of functions and appearance. The video not being able to view while the vehicle is moving is a turn off because it's mainly for the passenger use anyways for me. Last question, should I go for Z1 instead and save some money and because it's hacked too! Let me know your thoughts, thanks in advance!

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Honestly, Id go for a Z1 if you can find one new!!! Go to the Pioneer website and they actually let you do a side by side comparison of the two. Basically all the Z2 has is more POI's (points of intrest) and newer maps.


I just bought a new Z1 a few weeks ago, and am SO glad I did. 8)

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