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Trouble, o shoot.

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It' depends on the officer. I've heard of a few people get'n C&R's.


When I got pulled for having all five of my TV"s playing, plus ten people in a four seater, the cop threated me w/ a C&R ticket. That would be four points on your license. :( He let me off w/ a warning, but only after the girls in the back flirted w/ him.


Wish I had a set of boobs! But I would never get anything accomplished. Hard to work when your hands are already full. :lol:

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Wish I had a set of boobs! But I would never get anything accomplished. Hard to work when your hands are already full. :lol:
I have some... do saggy man boobs count? :)



I believe there is also a law on the books in every state which says there is not to be a device that has the ability to play full motion video within view of the driver.


I have a bunch of friends who are cops in my area and they said that technically the way the law is written, if you had a small color television on your front seat, even if it was AC powered and off you could get a ticket.... because that's a device which is able to produce full motion video.


These kind of things, the cop would have to be a real jerk to give you a ticket for that.... usually if you are really nice and you have an excuse, you don't get a ticket. If it's just you and you are watching a movie while driving, I would expect a ticket if not a few.

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If I have my passenger visor on when I'm out at night, usally I'll get pulled within 30 mins. But I've never been pulled on the hwy.


I once got pulled riding by myself w/ all of my TV's on. The officer said I was a distraction to everyone else on the road. They were spending more time looking at me instead of the road. I tried to plead my case on how am I at fault for how they were driving and how it was my intention to get attention. In hind thought that was a bad move. But before he could write the ticket, two cars hit each other while looking us on the side of the road.


He let me go so he could write up the accident. That was the closest I've come to getting a ticket for my TV's.

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The way I understand it, up here in Quebec, the officer has to prove that you were actually watching the video in order to give you a ticket. So it's pretty tough to prove.

Just the same, I'll only have the video on in the front if I have a passenger (and they want to watch a movie).



I once got pulled riding by myself w/ all of my TV's on. The officer said I was a distraction to everyone else on the road.

That almost sounds like how a cop used to give you a ticket for driving with your lights on (obstruction of justice... yaddah, yaddah), even though it was safer. I guess when people get used to seeing TV screens in the back of cars everywhere, they won't be a distraction anymore.

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