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About mightymike1988

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  1. MAN U ARE THE BOMB! I tested it on the table with a PSU... never thought of the handbrake signal cable
  2. alright will check that asap, sounds like a legit reason,.. the only function from the menu I could enter are the sound settings and A/V settings. all the navigation and keyboard stuff was disabled
  3. So far no luck, will try to put the original password.dat file back and see if it makes a difference. but please keep your suggestions coming. if it fails is it an options to create a dump out of a F930 (all the directories etc) and then copy it back on the F940? (my other car has a F930 radio) EDIT: Just tried the Original file which contains the password but it does not even ask for a password. I even checked the log files, as far as they are written in several directories, but no error or what so ever. the weird thing is sometimes after rebooting I get the question if I wa
  4. I bought it from the internet, and the person told me there was no password on it but unfortunately there was a password,.. so I removed the file to gain access... will try to put an empty file in that folder tomorrow morning ( its 11:52 PM here)
  5. Hi All, after running the auto install and remove the password.dat file my keyboard is disabled and most of the features in the menu are disabled... anyone a clue on how to fix this?
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