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Everything posted by felmurfud

  1. I looked over the threads however I dont see this anywhere. I am looking for the full dump of the entire filesystem from any NEX unit. I don't have a nex unit at the moment to actually perform the steps myself. Can anyone share if they have this? I have searched quite a bit for this without luck. Thanks!
  2. Anyone have any further input on this? I would definitely prefer to use lightning than use the bulky adaptor... Maybe they will announce at CES?
  3. Thank you epsilonkore, you hit the nail right on the head! In addition to what you mentioned, often times large companies like Pioneer have staging sites, that are near replicas of the Production site, except have the additions such as a new section or tab for a new product/service/ or in this case Firmware. This way, once they are ready for the site to go 'live' they can just promote the changes rather than having to make changes to a live site. Most of the time these staging servers are live( and public facing) way ahead of the release for executives/PR/other departments to proof. Again to e
  4. You are missing the point. Not worth getting into, Hopefully the wait will be over for everyone soon enough.
  5. Because if someone knew, it could be hiding in plain sight on the pioneer site.
  6. Anyone have any ideas of the actual version number for the CarPlay firmware? My AVH-4000NEX is running 1.02 currently, it looks like the SPH-DA210 version is 08.05... I wonder what the actual versioning number convention is? 3 3
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