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About sandreble

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  1. My unit refuses to enter normal boot mode. Only works in Warp mode. In normal mode, it shows password error... "Jupiter MMC init failed, set password failed" ...and freeze in the Pioneer logo. I must be removing the sd card incorrectly. I do it using the testmode_N key. Or with the testmode_A, selecting the "mode change" option on the 7th page of the test mode menu.
  2. https://jenkins.adamoutler.com/job/Customize%20BSP/build?delay=0sec is off Any alternative ?
  3. Hi guys... Every time I turn on my device, there is a long wait for the music to start playing. I use an external 500gb hd with about 12.000 songs in FLAC. I noticed that this is due to the creation of a database file of ID3 data. I do not use the "TAG" interface in the search of files, but rather, "Files names". So my doubt: is it possible to modify some files so that this indexing process does not occur ? The database file can be found and copy to external device in DEVELOP DEBUG MENU -> DATABASE SAVE. In my case, the file is about 10mb. Thanks.
  4. Hello guys. How can I restore the original image of the internal sd card ? I think I accidentally deleted before backup. Now after boot, the unit show me a black screen with "SOFTWARE ERROR" message. Thanks.
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