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About fede

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  1. if you want i cqn give you conplete structure of the folder. Pm me i've already upped everithing on dropbox
  2. ma proprio haber bosh a livello industriale?
  3. what do you mean? PRG.FLG is a ZERO byte file, you can create it by your own.
  4. What??? in italy we say... "vuoi anche una fetta di culo?" C'mon, enter in testmode with a FAT32 formatted (cluster16k) sd and "supertestmode file" on it, put a fake PRG.FLG file into the USER folder. It will force the reading from PRG1, and you'll boot again in normal mode. There's no a backup program, only gramine salis
  5. Hi all, i'm sorry for my poor english, but i'm from Trastecco di Moli Mare and the language here is almost an optional. i was wondering if someone has tried to bypass the cam to use a video out (composite) from a raspberry (or similar one). I've been close to burn my unit (9220bt) and had that strange idea. I was buying a 7" screen (a capacitive touch one) to interface directly with a raspberry, to mount into the case of my unit but (UN)fortunately it has came back to life and so i've rollbacked my project, hoping to use the video in as well. Is there someone who has had the same inten
  6. i've seen there are a lot of bimbominchiate (aka little philip borns) here, i've just tried to make something more sober.
  7. Hi all, i'm not english, so i'll bosif with my language as well. Hope you'll enjoy those backgrounds. In the meanwhile threenity the confraternita PULITINA, per esempio!
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