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About wixxer13

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  1. Hey dude... I had the same problem as you and now I got the update to work. The first time around, I thought I followed the directions but realized that I misunderstood them a little bit. In step 11, I deleted everything inside the My Flash Disk Drive. Then I went to the SD card... Opened the My Flash Disk folder... Selected All from Edit, then copied the contents. I went back to the My Flash Disk Drive and pasted the contents there. My mistake on the first attempt was that I copied the actual folder and just pasted the folder into the My Flash Disk Drive. I hope you try this an
  2. Hey dude... I had the same problem as you and now I got the update to work. The first time around, I thought I followed the directions but realized that I misunderstood them a little bit. In step 11, I deleted everything inside the My Flash Disk Drive. Then I went to the SD card... Opened the My Flash Disk folder... Selected All from Edit, then copied the contents. I went back to the My Flash Disk Drive and pasted the contents there. My mistake on the first attempt was that I copied the actual folder and just pasted the folder into the My Flash Disk Drive. I hope you try this an
  3. Hello... thanks to everyone for their input and advice on this new update. I did the update as directed and after completion, my navi goes black after my logo pops up. Any ideas on why this is happening? I have a f700 Also, did I need to replace the apl2 data file if I did a hard bypass? I'm not sure if I needed to but that's what the directions said. Will this affect my navi at all? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  4. Can you tel me how to program that please? It is programmable to change presets I have it set on mine and it works fine. Only thing is, when in cd mode, it will not change to the next track. But I can live with that.
  5. I did get the steering wheel control installed. There is a lag issue there, but I guess I will have to live with that. The one thing I don't like is that one of the controls just changes the station to the immediate next one. I wish i could change it to the next preset station.
  6. The installer installed the mic near the sunroof control. I think he said there wasn't a vss wire... As long as my navi doesn't make major distance errors, I don't think it will be a problem. I also thought I read somewhere that the 700bt doesn't have a vss wire. I don't know though.
  7. After all the reading on the website, I was actually scared on how my Avic was going to turn out. There were so many problems that people had I was nervous mine would turn out like crap. I even thought that the post about the guy with a good Avic was someone from Pioneer trying to cover their ass. I'll try to compare some of the problems with my unit. 1) Voice saying comma instead of point. I guess I am lucky because my lady says point.... *6/20: My lady said "One comma 3 miles" Maybe when it is over 1 mile, she says comma and under, she says point. 2) GPS off by a lot. My GPS
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