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Everything posted by ryan420

  1. I have recalibrated my d1 with the service menu, you need to stay about a 1/4 inch away from the side of the screen.. what i did was used a bic pen cap and notched it a 1/4 inch away and ran it down the sides of the screen and then back out to the service menu and continued along with the setup..Very easy to do.. I will post some pic of the menu's i used to do this
  2. I think they should i have an android phone and would love that app! not everyone has an iphone lol
  3. other then sending it out for reppairs its just a paper weight.. look on ebay sameday auto repairs his name is Richard really nice guy to deal with.. hope this helps you out..sorry and it sound slike a bad lazer inthe cd/dvd player
  4. 3miliamps will drian battery in a few hours, does the unit turn opff when the truck door is opened?
  5. search the net they are out there, i have found mine out their just keep looking
  6. i would try just pluging in the gex10 and see if it works the extra cables is only for navtraffic, if u have power and ground my guess is that the unit is defective.. should hav ethe same power plug on both tuners not 100% sure tho hope this helps, i do have a z series..
  7. It is a heat issue, wait for it to cool down or turn a/c on for at least an hour, mine does not like to work durning the summer but when falls hits start to work like a champ again. hope this helps
  8. dude try it the way i posted its a few pages back..
  9. the file u downloaded from mininova are good copys..i downloaded the same ones...you have to make a folder on the desktop, then use winzip and extract the files to the folder u just made. U imageburn to create an iso file, what i had to do after. i used ultraiso and copied all the folder onto the iso and resaved it, the used untra iso to burn the dual layer dvd.. Make sure to copy the folder into the iso or the nav dvd will not work. also when u goto burn make sure to click the dvd button. hope this helps i have made many copies of these disk this way and they work perfect
  10. i have noticed a few new road and other thing on the new map, on the 80mt maps they were gone and on the oem 50mt they were there..
  11. got both disks working thanx alot for the torrents
  12. so what group do i have to use to download the files on the other page?
  13. i have it downloading on utorrent but i cannot get it to down with the nvr file or what ever it is, i take it has to be pointed at the right newsgroup
  14. trying to download the iso but it will not connect to anything..is their a group that i should set it too?
  15. i hear that..my pay cheque hasn't changed but my wallet is getting smaller..dont buy the disk's i'll hook you up again if u want u can just give me the cash lol..when i get the download i will send u a pm and we can meet up..this time you'll have to meet me not driving to T.O again lol
  16. the bus cable is hooked up backwards its a on way cable..
  17. i do not have ur unit but i beleve that u have to tuen the option on, in ur av menu hope this helps
  18. i would use a test light or volt meter and double check that that wire has b+ when light turn on.
  19. do u have the lights turn up to max on the dash cause mine is the same way the need to be dim on the dash for the day/night mode to switch
  20. mine does the same, it seems like when it gets hot outside it does like to open, but in the winter it works great..dunno why lol..there was a face lock on the units so that people cant steal the disks i read on here along time ago..i dunno if its still on the sever or not..if i find it i'll post it here
  21. ryan420

    Need Help

    yo will have to downgrade the unit and will need the remote to do that if i remebr right.. but the pw i up right up right down left down left i beleave
  22. ryan420

    Need Help

    i have a 88dvd navi and i have the orginal i beleave 40's disks i could burn then and try to post the for you, i've never been able to post somthing to the net befor, so if these will work i'd be glad to help
  23. i can post it for you when im at work tomorrow
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