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About mbegan

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  1. no just anti-apple in general. I guess i had more of a question as to weather that was a feature of the new maps or a bug specific to me more then it was me looking for product advice. Can anyone else comment on the question? did they take out the nice disc folder browsing feature or did i have a botched update? Thanks -Matt God forbid anyone answer the question.
  2. no just anti-apple in general. I guess i had more of a question as to weather that was a feature of the new maps or a bug specific to me more then it was me looking for product advice. Can anyone else comment on the question? did they take out the nice disc folder browsing feature or did i have a botched update? Thanks -Matt
  3. Since i'm anti apple I don't own an iPod and instead chose to load a dvd up with my music. I have it organized in folders by genre then artist then album. So at the root of the disk i'd have rock, country, rap... Inside of Rock I'd have Aerosmith, Pantera, etc... Inside of Aerosmith there would be Pump, Get a Grip, Nine Lives ... then inside pump i'd have the actual tracks. This makes it easy enough to find stuff. This all worked great most the time, yes it was a bits slow and sometimes cumbersome I got used to it. With the new update the whole "browser" is gone All i can d
  4. the source in your av menu should be ext-1 or ext-2 not radio and the interface sucks you do get rds but it sucks not worth the money.
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