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pwnin o'brien

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About pwnin o'brien

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  1. My recommendation would be to do the 3.0 upgrade. Just re-update WinCE and copy all of the 3.0 files over. The tutorial on how to upgrade to 3.0 is floating around somewhere on here.
  2. Are you absolutely sure you entered the service menu correctly? When I was updating WinCE I was pressing the buttons incorrectly. If you do not press them right, it will still go into the service menu, but the screen will shut off after 10 or so seconds while the power remains on. Also, if you only do a partial format (if the unit restarts during the WinCE updating process), the unit will go to a black screen on startup. The correct process to get into the service menu is as follows: 1. Immediately after turning your key to accessory, you want to hold the Reset, Eject, Map, and Men
  3. Can you get into the service menu? If you can, then try updating WinCE to the latest version (the version that comes with 3.0). Make sure you use the Format option, this will clear the flash memory completely. Once the WinCE update is finished, try going back into TestMode.
  4. Yeah, that's the only instance where the warning screen shows. We suspect that it's called from a different spot. This is definitely better than nothing!
  5. I had the same problem too when I first did this mod. Since then (about a month ago), I haven't had any problems!
  6. I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong path to begin with... CommonLib.dll is in My Flash Disk\APL\ You will need to copy the modified CommonLib.dll to your SD card along with the TestMode folder. Then when in Windows CE, you want to copy the original CommonLib.dll to your SD card, rename it something like CommonLib.bak. Then copy the new modified version to the APL folder, overwriting the old CommonLib.dll.
  7. I would like to know as well. I haven't added the branded POI icons yet and would like to soon and my current POI's are semi-transparent also.
  8. The AVN726E has a WQVGA LCD screen which is 480 x 272 at 7.0". The F-series has a TFT active matrix LCD screen which is 800 x 480 at 5.8".
  9. You're avoiding the inevitable. After I got new 6.5's all around with the F900BT, I was seriously lacking bass. They just don't cut it, even with the bass booster and all. You need to get a subwoofer or two. I ended up putting in an R12 in to supplement the crappy bass.
  10. I think that this tutorial needs to be completely re-written. It is a great tutorial, don't get me wrong, but there are quite a few people that are having problems with the instructions. I even had some problems with the instructions and I've had the F900BT since the week it was first released and I'm a computer engineering grad student! The tutorial should be consolidated, it could probably be written in four or five steps with pictures accompanying each step. It should also be written for someone who has almost no knowledge of computers, because we ALL know that even people who have no i
  11. Would it be possible to increase the Z value of the street name label/background so that it covers the AV title bar but not the AV input and album cover art? Maybe if I increase the road name background and icon to a much higher Z? Also increase the fonts Z so it is higher than the background? I'll do some experimenting and report my findings.
  12. Have you tried clicking on the little arrow at the end of it? Or reading the owner's manual where it mentions it? No, I don't want to temporarily hide it. When you press the arrow, that only hides the bar until the next power cycle. The next time the unit turns on, the bar is right back where I don't want it. I am looking to remove the bar completely (like when the audio is OFF) and permanently.
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