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Everything posted by kobold27

  1. Hello, I cant get rid of the scale, what is the trick?? I've checked Steph's file and cannot find anything, ive tried to find it in the thread, but same result
  2. Its a cable with usb and video/audio, working with my nano... Before buying the apple cable i bought a cheap cable on ebay at 12$, but the USB dont have data communitation, its used only for charging the iPod.
  3. Hi, I just bought the apple cable and tried it with my f700 and my iPod nano gen 2, last firmware, connectivity is kinda random, sometimes it work, sometime it doesnt. But with my girlfriend iPod touch, its not working at all, the iPod is not detected but he's charging... Is it that i really need the Pioneer cable? The touch seems to be at the last version except for the iPhone 2.0 update (10$ for what???) Ritch EDIT: Touch firmware is at 1.1.4 4a102, which seems to be a working one according to others threads i just read
  4. Thanks ! Looking for that on ebay right now
  5. I tried some videos with my USB key, and they where not resized, is this a setting or i need to re-encode my video to 800x480 ? Watching small videos is pretty boring...
  6. Hello, i've seen a lot of reply from people with F90BT telling that the hack works great, what about the F700BT ? Also, anyone know a way (hardware) to raise my rca signal a little, im still using the factory bose amps in my 350z and i think that it use 2.0v instead of 1.7v ? Thanks Ritch
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