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Everything posted by Tambu

  1. Diaftia, I just downloaded what I presume is the latest release from the 1st page titled 11/5/09. The mode works great except that searching for POIs is not actually searching. For example MENU -> Destination -> POI around GPS locaiton Search for "Cici's Pizza" returns 6 Churches within 1000 ft. obviously the word pizza doesn't appear anywhere in the listing. I then searched for "Z" just "Z" and it returned the same list of churches which do not have the character Z in them anywhere. So far I love the mode but this is really a issue for me since I search POI a lot. I noticed in previ
  2. Just updated to the latest version of this skin and seems to be working fine. I had a couple questions I wanted to see if anyone of the experts here could answer: 1. Where do you set your Home location, as near as I can tell it doesn't appear to have an option in this mod. 2. in a previous post it was mentioned that "-By pressing volume button mutes IGO sounds" I assumed this meant that while navigation was active I could press the "volume center button" and it would mute the voice, however it just appears to start the Voice Command interface which I never use. Am I doing something wrong?
  3. That is really slick, I'm gonna give it a shot but I use 2d mode 90% of the time.. is there a 2d version of this?
  4. BORIS or anyone So far I am enjoying the new skin, however I find the font for reading the street names to be a bit too small. Is there a way to bold it or perhaps nudge it up a couple sizes, I find myself having to lean in to read the streets a bit more than I like. This isn't really a "problem" just an oddity I thought I would report. Normally during startup my splash screen (pioneer default) shows up until it loads the TOP MENU, but about 50% of the time, I will see the PIONEER splash screen for a few seconds and then it goes black, the system still loads the TOP MENU normally, but
  5. Yeek thanks for the excellent suggestion, it worked perfectly. I added the following lines to sys.txt and now my soft-hack for the parking break speed is working fine: In sys.txt add: [pioneer] parking_break_speed=255.0 hide_logos=1 Hope this helps others, technically I left the same lines in the igo8_generic.ini file, so I don't know for sure if putting it in just sys.txt is enough, but having it in both does work.
  6. Hey All, Just spent the last 3 hours getting the Gurjon skin going, took a few tries, and I actually didn't have sufficient space to install it. I ended up deleting Canada map to make enough room. Anyway it's on and it's running and everything appears to be fine except for my soft-hack for the parking break speed. Boris's data.zip has the igo8_generic.ini which has the following lines: [pioneer] parking_break_speed=255.0 and I even changed the speed to be 240.0 which is what i previously used on stock 3.02 firmware and it worked. But no matter what when I get to 16 kph I g
  7. Interesting I'd forgotten I'd turned down the navigation prompt volume. I'll have to turn it up and confirm if that is what is causing it. Personally I find the prompts a bit to frequent and annoying I'd like just a nice simple 'beep" so I can look down and see the updated directions. I find it annoying to be told 2-3 times to turn right
  8. Hey guys, Like most of you I've had my F90BT since it came out and with the 2.0 firmware it's really helped a lot of issues. I do still have a couple nagging issues I wanted to ask the group if they are experiencing at all. 1. When I play IPOD normally (no navigation) it plays perfectly not sounds quality issues. However I've noticed that when I have navigation going that I get somewhat frequent stutters(1/2 pauses) in the IPOD playback. For the most part it seems to be when the navigation system is recalculating or zooming in a lot. I am guessing this is just another example of weak c
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