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sports shooter

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Everything posted by sports shooter

  1. Very impressive work my friend! Do you have any ideas for a "Pilot"? I have a Z1, but I don't know if that is an issue here or not when it comes to backgrounds? I look forward to your response.
  2. Very impressive work my friend! Do you have any ideas for a "Pilot"? I have a Z1, but I don't know if that is an issue here or not when it comes to backgrounds? I look forward to your response.
  3. What do you mean by that? I did hear someone else mention on another thread that they were out of stock already, was that it? I don't think any dealers have the disc yet.
  4. Mine came by UPS - Tracking number search showed it arriving on Wednesday and it showed up on Tuesday. Not a big deal for me as I still didn't install it until last night. Details of that install are on thread - Z1 Update.
  5. I installed the upgrade disc tonight into my Z1. I only got one failure stoppage at 14%. I had gone inside the house after starting the upload and went back in twenty minutes to check on it and found it stopped. I thought to myself, ol boy here we go - a five hour install as I've read others have had. I decided to go get a couple of magazines and come back to the car so that I could watch it closer, in case it stalled again. Surprise - it went the rest of the distance without a hitch. It took 2 hrs and 55 mins to complete. When I ordered the maps I also called over and ordered the Bluetoot
  6. From what I can tell, this is it. Mosly map updates, which are highly needed and a few little tweeks. Apparently they didn't listen to us about the poor routing the system has. It dosen't even come close to Garmins intelligence, sorry to say.
  7. If you have been following all the stories coming out of Pioneer, hear is a little information that may clear up one item. We have heard that we had to go to a dealer to get this update installed. To address that, I got my upgrade disc today. On the back of the carton it has the following: Notice to all users: This software requires that the navigation unit be properly connected to your vehicle's parking brake. If not properly connected and depending on your vehicle, additional installation may be required. WARNING Do not attempt to install this software or service your navigation sy
  8. I hope your right! As I stated earlier, those guys at Pioneer are totally in the dark it appears. It's impossible to find two people that knows the same thing or will give you the same answer. I just called my local dealer and they know nothing at this time, but wll look into it for me.
  9. That probably is correct - there isn't an update for the Z2 at this time, but the upgrade is for the Z1.
  10. Just got off the phone with Pioneer from ordering the new map update. Boy, the right hand there has no clue what the left hand is doing. First girl had no clue about where or not this map update would also update the changes made in the Z2. She thought it was maps only and had not heard of any other possible update. Had her transfer me to Customer Service and that individual did not know anything either. I also wanted the fix disk for the bluetooth issue. He couldn't tell me if it was included in the map update or not, so he sent me to Parts. She told me that the maps update was just that - j
  11. Not much we can do now about the Z1 as it's been replaced, but I think we need to get a new list going right-a-way after we have had the new updates installed a month or so. Once we know what changes have been improved on and what hasn't, we can let them know what changes we want on the next Z3. The sooner we let them know, the better our chances of getting them fixed will be.
  12. I'm about 60% happy with the Z1. My hugh disappointment comes with its inability to give us accurate routes. Re-routes are even worse at times. I'm tired of hearing - "Turn right and make a legal U-Turn." I thought that I was upgrading when I purchased the Z1 from my Garmin 2720. Boy was I wrong! Garmin knows GPS!!!! Routes on it were right on the money every time and if you took a different route it would recalulate it perfectly. The other thing that the Z1 falls its face is the estimating the arrivial times. Mine is always at least 50% to much. I've adjusted the speed settings and tried two
  13. I for one, am a Sirius fan all the way. Next month I will break even on my lifetime subscription that I took out when I got my first unit. I recently transfered it to my Z1 without missing a beat. I enjoy the music channels, but I enjoy the talk channels more and that's where Sirius shines the most. Howard Stern's two channels really rock and as well do the other talk channels. I would probably agree, without Howard, they are probably both pretty equal, but the word in the industry is that they believe that Sirius will be taking over and possibly buying out XM within the next year.
  14. I for one, am a Sirius fan all the way. Next month I will break even on my lifetime subscription that I took out when I got my first unit. I recently transfered it to my Z1 without missing a beat. I enjoy the music channels, but I enjoy the talk channels more and that's where Sirius shines the most. Howard Stern's two channels really rock and as well do the other talk channels. I would probably agree, without Howard, they are probably both pretty equal, but the word in the industry is that they believe that Sirius will be taking over and possibly buying out XM within the next year.
  15. I'm getting very good results with it positioned at the top left corner of the piller, next to the windshild. It is enough out of the way that it dosen't pick up any wind noise when the drivers side window is cracked. It is pointed toward the drivers seat. I have not updated it yet. They tell me it sound fine, no echo, just like you were talking to anyone on a speaker phone.
  16. If your still confused as to which button to push, try the one that has "Tilt" written next to it!!
  17. Check this thread out to see what coming in the new Z2 http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3585
  18. I recently installed the SVP5600 Platecam backup camera from CrimeStoppers. It is built into a licence plate frame. Their site is: http://www.crimestopper.com/ The only negative I can say about it is that when it rains or if your in snow, it does effect the lens, but I would have to believe that this is true with any camera. It is very adjustable as far as dimming, color, hue, contrast goes. Here is a photo of mine installed. http://www.hondapilot.org/photopost/sho ... 500&page=1 As you can see, it blends in very well.
  19. Thank you for the page number, I missed it I guess because I was looking in the chapter on the bluetooth functions. I guess I fall into the mass's of those that aren't electrical savay, as I do the headlight flashing routeing. To be honest, what stops me from doing the two wire bypass is knowing how to pull the head. I noticed when the installer did my unit, he had three different interior pieces removed to be able to pull the head. I know it must be simple, but I never watched how he removed those pieces without using a pry bare to screw up the edges of the interior. If I ever did it once
  20. I installed the bluetooth system into my unit today, it had been on backorder. I have a March 6th unit. The jury is still out on it as I only talked to two people today. One said it was feeding back in his phone, while the other person said that it was not. Will do more testing tomorrow. I have the CD coming, but I don't want to give up the bypass if I don't have to. I've read several mentions here about setting up the bluetooth so that the sounds comes out of the RIGHT Hand speaker "only" to help improve the sound. Mine, currently is coming out of the left side, which is also the side of
  21. I did some quick checking and found where to reset the speeds. I believe this will make big differerance in arrival times. I know how long it takes to get to most of my destinations in reality, so I can see what it tells me and then make adjustments on the settings to fine tune what comes out correct. I'm not a big speeder, but I usually will set the cruise control for 5mph over the speed limit, so for now, I set mine at 50, 60, 75 and see how close that comes. Thanks for getting me on track, you all are super and willing to help, I appreciate that!
  22. You state that yours is set at 30,40,60 - is that impling that there is a place/way to set the normal driving speeds for your area, within the unit? If that's the case, maybe I need to check into that and how to set it up properly.
  23. Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for it.
  24. I'm very interested in installing the new bluetooth fix, but been waiting to see how the testing shakes out. I have a March 6th unit also, but don't have the bybass installed. Using the lights flash when I want to bybass. Do you see any problem with this still working OK after the bluetooth fix installed.
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