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Everything posted by learningman

  1. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/30550-350z-reception-problem-after-following-numerous-diagrams/page__p__228379#entry228379 Please see this thread (350z but same thing. I have an 04 G)
  2. This explains the shitty AM (Traffic Only ) reception that I have had for the past two years Thank you very much and sorry to hijack
  3. Can you share how you did the 3.01 update. Some people are saying they followed Pioneers instructions, and that now their unit hangs. I have everything up and running, Including the 3.01. Here is what I did (Start to Finish) When updating to 3.0 i did the WinCE upgrade w/ format -> copy all files in then RESET the unit as there are settings in the 3.0 dump, it is not clean. After the reset procede with the update to 3.01 I have not had any issues
  4. You could upgrade the unit to Version 2.006 http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Support/Navigation/Free+Firmware+Update+2.006+for+AVIC-F500BT which would reset all of the files.
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