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Everything posted by brendli

  1. Hi, I'd like a 3d Tarrain map. This is supposed to work with the *.DEM files. Can someone tell me whether it is for the Europe and whether it works? And if jam where I get the necessary files from?? Thanks...
  2. Hi, there is thus some disadvantages? I mean when I use igo8 I would like the gyro sensor-active ...
  3. Hi, i have done the mod, but: the unit resets when i: wont to go to nav settings, set a destianation, if i press buttons in the "Navigiation Menu".....buttons in the Map menu... In primo mode i can see Satellite connection, but igo says "searching for satellite".
  4. Hi, i have about 1 year ago my f900bt updated to v3. I followed the instructions from the user "kraven" of the forum avic411 . after update to v3 I have downloaded the last update from the homepage of Pioneer and also uploaded to the unit. All this worked fine until recently (about 1 year later) the problems began. Sometimes f900bt starts again and again, sometimes once, sometimes repeatedly. (The sound from the radio station is during the "boot loop" to hear). Then the F900BT runs on without problems. sometimes it begins to boot again . It also happens that I get a blue screen which
  5. Danke für deine Hilfe. Ich habe es mittlerweile auch geschafft. Konnte danach auch das Offizielle Update von Pioneer drüberbügeln und bin somit auf dem neusten Stand... Von den Mods halte ich nicht viel, weil da bestimmt sachen dabei sind die mir nicht gefallen. Ich würde gerne lieber selber einige kleine Mods durchführen. z.b.: den Nervigen Warnhinweis entfernen, die nervige Sirene vom Speedcam in etwas erträglicheres ändern usw... Aber ich hab im moment nicht viel Zeit für sowas. Hab nur noch die Aktuelle Karte vom Deutschland draufgemacht, ist auch ganz einfach...
  6. Hallo Leute, ich hoffe das hier jemanden finde der mir eine Deutsche Anleitung und einen Funktionierenden Link zu den dazugehörigen Files nennen kann. Ich suche schon seid einiger Zeit und finde nichts von dem sagen könnte das hört sich gut an...das Probierst du mal aus. Das ist mir alles zu unsicher... Also kann mir jemand helfen??
  7. Hello, I have a F900BT and search for the update for Europe. Can someone give me a Rapid Share Link, or send me the file?
  8. Hi, i have a question. Is this a Installation, or does Miopocket starts from the SD-Card. What happend when i next time start my Avic without the SD-Card ??
  9. Ok, we summarize times: forget about the USB stick, because there are no drivers for Win CE provides. With an SD wireless card, we have better chances, because so extra for WIN CE is. Is There somebody who has an SD wireless card and could be test it? The next item would be even the browser. Has someone ever experience with the installation done ... hire with PDA, or PNA?
  10. Hi, does anyone knows whether it is possible to a USB wireless stick in the process WinCE?
  11. brendli

    Dog sound

    Hi, it bothers me that the music is stopping when the "dog sound" of Speedcam comes! Did any body know it´s possible to play the Dog Sound and MP3 or FM at the same Time??
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