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Everything posted by ill.die.trying

  1. check in the common folder for nightcar.bmp
  2. i've got the mapchanger fully working now and the fuel calculator, just a couple mimor tweaks and it'll be ready, once all this is done i'll have the update for this skin and shortly after that the third skin, third skin will have bigger buttons and some other stuff
  3. are you sure it's navigon or is it NAVTEQ?
  4. Yeah, you have been working on this for a while now. I am really looking forward to this. Any chance of some preview pics? been real busy at work anf only been able to work on the mods on a slack day (which is not very often) hopefully i get it out soon, if not i'll just try to hve as much half_patches integrated to it
  5. sorry for the delay on the update, i know it's already overdue, i already have the map changer working and still working on the fuel calc, also added diafta's split screen and modified it to my liking, if i get a chance i might look into adding the theme changer but it all depends on how hard it is to implement and if time permits,
  6. nice find, i think this would work with the other units as well
  7. i was working on it for a while and found that you can't just remove the album cover part as it's being called along with the music shortcut button and the song title bar, also, when i was playing with it i found that whenever i remove that part the VR doesn't when the volume is pressed
  8. i think you meant it won't harm diafta's mod in any way
  9. 1) first off this is not an auto installer, 2)extract files and transfer all files to a freshly formatted SD card (for F500 users, you have to edit the device type part first to reflect the device type of the F500 before transfering it to the SD) 3)this already has testmode file so no need to add anything else 4)insert SD to unit, 5)boot up unit ***if this is your first time,PLEASE BACK UP YOUR FILES 6) copy DATA.ZIP, SYS.TXT, and DS-DIGI file to MYFLASHDISK\APL2\IGO 7) to add a different scheme, add the contents of scheme folder to MYFLASHDISK\APL2\IGO\CONTENT\SCHEME **IT'S MANDA
  10. i'm sure it's possible but no one know what commands needs to be executed
  11. the error could be as missing character(maybe a > or a = ) best way to do it is to use examdiff pro or beyond compare to check two files,
  12. have you tried adjusting the sound level? it's in the av setting i think
  13. maps and the navi software version
  14. Thanks, I tried the download but unfortunately the rar file seems to be corrupt (when I attempt to extract is came up with a crc error). I will investage the various versions of testmode files that are out there. So far all the versions I have seen use the same "zero file size" code files. My F900BT is a new unit only purchased this month. Is it possible that the latest units from Pioneer have had the testmode hack blocked by pioneer? the 2.3 should work on the new firmware, pioneer hasn't not updated the firmwares yet so that means that you might have just downloaded a corrupt
  15. for starters i recommend reading threads in the hacks section, there are a whole bunch of hacks you can do, -hacks on the navi part -themes on the av part the latest firmware is 3.x and i suggest you update first (legally or ilegally) once you're done with that is back to reading some more threads
  16. we'll see how it goes, i have an idea on how to make a simple looking screen, i just have to implement it, hopefully i'll have it out soon with the rest of the updates for skin#1 and #2
  17. hacks for F700 will work on x710 as long as the F700 has the 3.x firmware
  18. The trick to getting a simple Navi view with lots of goodies is to have a collapsing screen like Diaftia's V2.3. He has more extras than ever before in ANY mod, and that can only be accomplished by a collapsing menu i agree but what i dont get is why push a shortcut to get another set of shortcuts
  19. thanks for the input, i'm currently working on skin#3 and will try to have a simple navi view
  20. so i basically just have to add a script run it, i spent seriously too much time with it before and created another set of scripts to make it work but still had no luck, why didn't i think of that? good job
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