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Everything posted by ill.die.trying

  1. the W value is for the width, lets say for example the current street name, if you set the width to 50 and the street name is so long it will shrink the width of the long street name just to 50
  2. So I think I have this straight. The sys files get unzipped, and placed in the igo folder? Or do they remain zipped? unzip the file and copy everything to igo folder, make sure you back up everything before doing so
  3. i agree, most of the new guys want answers to be fed to them, if they really are interested with a certain mod then they should alot some time to research and read topics related to it, most of the newbies wants the easy way,
  4. i agree, most of the new guys want answers to be fed to them, if they really are interested with a certain mod then they should alot some time to research and read topics related to it, most of the newbies wants the easy way,
  5. Will adjusting this improve the speed? It does seem to bog down more often than before. i think it works for me, try it out and let me know if you notice any difference
  6. looking good, one thing i would suggest is making the text in the speedcam warning box more visible, how's the speedcam voice going? still not sure if i want to use it as the quality of the voice file is not the best, are you having any issues with it?
  7. i just don't see the point of pressing a button for another set of buttons to show up
  8. anyone else having problem with the V2 loading slow? if yes, are you adjusting the alloted memory?
  9. the font file included in the download should be added too (i don't know if you already have it), and i think that's it,
  10. how about the phone settings? were you able to access it?
  11. what version are you using? in V2 when you click the current street name the house number will show up,
  12. by the looks of it i think that should work, maybe try using your stylus cause the image is too small
  13. Yes I had included the font file DS-DIGI.TTF - and it seemed to be incremental (not a replacement) I left it in after I reverted back to original DATA.zip to get rid of reboots. After I posted I went back through the thread and realized your DATA.zip didn't address the Parking Break Complaint Dialogue so ignore that comment I could edit once you figure out the reboots- but I thought in a later post you said that was caused by color scheme changes? couple of questions? 1)so you are using a software hack? if yes, that may be the problem as i'm using the hardware hack, 2)what scheme are y
  14. The best mod before yours was the one by DPDURST and I really like the house numbers like he had it. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=23078&hilit=dpdurst (look at his Second Data.zip pictures a bit down in the post.) You could toggle them on/off by pressing that little house icon as well. I am just unsure what code to add/replace from his to add it. Where is the code for the Speed Limit mod? That may be cool to have I just like stuff like this on the screen, it is geeky i actually had that in the first mod, however, when route is active it gets covered by the modded route info
  15. Yep that fixed it, thanks man. I will check the hardware mod next time I have it taken apart. WOW the speed camera warnings/alerts are a lot more noticeable on this mod. No more barking dogs I did have the speed camera warning get stuck on today while I was driving. I had to go and turn warnings off to get it to go away on the display and get my sound back. I chalk it up to an AVIC glitch but wanted to mention in just in case. Question; We don't use speed cameras where I live so I set a few along my way to work just to test it out and for fun. So how can I remove them? I canno
  16. anyone else having problems with the new zip? i'm tryingto figure out why it crashes on wome of the other users Yes rebooting for me on F90BT. Downloaded your V2 last night - replaced Data.zip with original today and reboots went away. I left the license files and hacked EZRIDER.exe in they didn't seen to cause the reboot. Also looked like your file didn't fix the Parking Break complaint but hard to tell with the reboots. did you add the font file included in the zip?
  17. don't know if this could be related but are you changing the memory , the error reporting and updating the time every time your accessing testmode
  18. that's kinda odd, what unit do you have? anyone else having any problems? 1. i'm not sure as to why that is 2. maybe you are going too fast on simulation 3. i don't have the speed limit mod 4. still not sure as to why your losing all that?
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