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Everything posted by Jfinley0

  1. Hi Abb1: I tried many things and I think I got it working. What I did was started over and added this back in ;Tripcomp <var vTripCompActive=0> <var vSpeedLogActive=0> ;Tripcomp (End). Then I copied trip computer from your 4.0 480_800\ui\tripcomputer to my mod. I did copy the common\ui\tripcomputer but that's where I had trouble. So I copied back the original common\ui\tripcomputer and now everything seem to be working. It does tell me when the trip computer is ready to go (anywhere from 30 secs to 2 mins). I will try it to day to see if it
  2. Thanks Abb1: I already had done that. The error message I am getting is "unable to open common\night\mapinfotop.ui" Thanks Jimbo
  3. I got it to work.... Now Can I get directions on the GPS signal so I can get my trip computer to work based off of your 4.0? Thanks Jimbo
  4. aBB1: I got the drop down menu to work. Can you give me directions on the GPS signal. I did try copying a few things over but my trip computer still did not work. Thanks Jimbo
  5. aBB1: I got the drop down menu to work. Can you give me directions on the GPS signal. I did try copying a few things over but my trip computer still did not work. Thanks Jimbo
  6. Thanks Abb1: I have been messing around with your 4.0 but I kept getting error messages. I will look at the 2.75 and see if I can make it work. I will let you know if I run into trouble again. Thanks again. Jim
  7. I checked the site and first time it says "temp unavalible" and then when I went back a few minutes later, it says "Download." Thanks Jimbo
  8. Hi Abb1: I have two questions for you when you get a chance: 1. I would like to take my icons that is on the map with no route and put inside drop menu. Can I get directions for that? 2. I like what you did to bring up message "Computer Trip is accessible". I tried it but still can get my trip computer to work. Any directions would be great. I do have the mod in the complete mods section (Stan?Andr2000). Thanks Jimbo
  9. I have two pics taken from my cell phone. One is the main mapscreen and the other is in route. Sorry this pics could not be better. Jimbo
  10. I was asked by another member from the forum to share my mod. I have added many things to this mod based off of Stan/Andr2000 3.0. The trip computer does not work as I tried to copy off of Abb1 4.0 but no success. Feel free to try it and let me know if there is anything else I can do. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3D6CIEST JImbo
  11. Hi Abb: I am using Stan/Andr2000 mod. I have been adding things such as Split mod and other things to my mod. I have been working on trying to get the "Trip Computer is accessible" to my mod. I was able to get the screen to come up "trip computer is accessible" when the map comes on but the trip computer does not work. Can I get step by step directions how to install this to make sure I did everything right? Thanks Jimbo
  12. Can you give me some idea what changes you made on the sign post and lanes. I would love to tinker around and help a little. Jimbo
  13. Damn, I just installed those new TA 2009.12 maps, still no lucks for signposts in my area, I still have to use NT as a matter of fact. Abb, Do you know whether speed limits for Canada have been added to the newest NT maps? Where can I get the latest maps (TeleAtlas and Navteg)?. I have the 2009 version. Jimbo
  14. Here you go, I know how hard it is to read through the entire thread to piece together the mod, so hope this makes it easy for everyone: 1. You have to add the extension folder inside IGO folder in APL2 in the AVIC. There will be a FuelCalc Folder inside of the folder and you can download it from Abb1's mod. There are three files inside 1. FuelCalc.ui; FuelCalc_800_480.ui and FuelCalc_var.ui.(I got this off the forum) 2. Then copy the half_patch_800_480.ui to 800_480/ui folder from Abb1 Mod 3. Then copy the half_patch.ui and half_patch_var.ui to common/ui folder. 4. Then copy o
  15. As Abb1 mentioned earlier, it took lots of work and time to make this work. What I did was I opened another data file that had the fuel calculation and map changer and did a search on all the scrips and bmp files and copied them over. This is how to make changes etc. Read the comment from ABB1 about which ui files to search for. I will try to put steps together but I may miss a step or so. Let me know if you need help. Jimbo
  16. First off, it is not MY mod, just changes that I have done by myself. I show these pictures because this IS a mod forum. People were having difficulties putting in the mapchanger and fuel calculator to their mods and I was just showing that it can be done. I have redone this ENTIRE mod in a day with new scripting AND just about every image has been replaced, best of all, it works flawless without glitches (lol, mind you, I did run into more than I can count, but fixed them all). I am trying to give more inspiration to others to attempt this by showing them how easy it is to change something to
  17. Hey i was close. i was only missing the top header part of the place.ui file. Oh well you beat me to it jimbo, good team work. Mine works now as well thanks for your help abb. do i still need that Restart.exe file in the extension folder if i am not using the map changer? I don't believe so. I think the restart.exe is for the map changer. Jimbo
  18. Thanks ABB1, I went back to your mod and copied the top lines and copied everything at the bottom of place.ui starting with the divisions scrip and now everything works. Thanks Jimbo
  19. Check these UI files out. I believe that these are the ones that are referenced: ADD: half_patch_var.ui half_patch.ui half_patch_800_480.ui Reference (add scripts relating to): START.UI place.ui model_variables.ui There might be a few others as well, but these are DEFINATELY referenced. Make sure that you add the calculations to the 'place.ui' folder Through a lot of trial and error, I got it working perfectly in Diaftias mod What scrips would be add to place.ui? I have all the patches in the proper ui files..... Thanks Jimbo
  20. I checked and I had both files in where you mentioned. I guess I forgot to tell you that when I tried to remember everything I did. Let me know if you make any progress. I will also keep trying. Thanks Jimbo
  21. Ok so all the referenced codes are in your coomon ui folder. I will examdiff each file and see what differs. Thanks for the advice. Also in the '800_480/UI' folder. It took me several hours going through all the code for the map changer and the fuel calculator, and a LOT of error messages. Error messages are good though, because you know where the problem is in most cases. In Diaftias mod that I redone, I added probably about 60-100 new lines of text, most of it to incorporate the mapchanger and fuel calculator. I did added the map changer about a month ago. I got that working fine. Le
  22. ..........They just have new scripts added which opens the door to a lot of new features that were not possible before........... Yeah, but that's where some users find particular mods not to their taste: too many features, a lot of which most of us would hardly (if ever) use. Like I said, each to his own, we all have our own individual tastes and requirements. BTW, I have tried your mod, you've obviously put a lot of time and effort into it - congrats! Imay even borrow some of it in the future I'm running Stans mod with my own slant and personalisation, it works well for me
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