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Everything posted by chinna_n

  1. chinna_n


    I think you are talking about Z110BT which uses Windows Automotive 5.5. I can confirm this one runs WinCE 5.0. I looked thru the update platform files provided using Hex editor, it is WinCE 5.0.
  2. Guys, any updates from anyone? Any new observations, tips or tricks?
  3. I read somewhere it works fine with HDDs, but there is limit on folder nesting. It supplies 500mA of power to the devices(Same as USB 2.0 standard), so I am thinking it should not be a problem. If power is a problem then you can use split cable with supplying power 5v from power socket. Many people installed the Microphone on the driver side A pillar at head level. I think this would provide the best position for driver. Check out my install here viewtopic.php?f=52&t=27070 In my case I have installed under the rear view mirror first, but observed some boomy echo from windshield,
  4. chinna_n


    This is wince 5.0 platform based device, but has been crippled by Pioneer to make sure people would prefer higher end devices. Unfortunately in crippling this, they also screwed up lot stuff. If we can get to Shell, probably we can hack, but not yet, not seeing much hope based on user base for this unit.
  5. Good to know, you got it working again. The unit is pretty slippery, I would suggest leave it in if you really do not need it. Yes, I tried that battery trick by killing the battery completely, and that did help in freezing for several days. But bluetooth phone book synching still caused bluetooth freezing.
  6. Thanks, that would be great. I know not a lot of people are buying this unit, but if all of us contribute we may be able to get better out of this unit.
  7. Atleast myself and another user updated the software, and it seems there is no problem with updating. Also, if you already have 1.0001 version it will not update platform at all, just Bluetooth application. But anyways, that depends on how comfortable you are with that though. I was hoping with so many people having issues Pioneer would put a update soon, but I guess people are not calling Pioneer to report the problems as Pioneer claims only iPhone 3GS having some issues with bluetooth and no other reported problems.
  8. Hmm.... I was hoping to get some good feedback so that I can confirm my observations related to updates. Except AVICU310BT no one responded. Man this forum...it is so dead.. or may be people who buy this unit not much enthusiastic...
  9. I have seen the problem you mentioned, which is typically issue with getting satellite fix, esp when you start from a covered parking lot and it takes some time to get the fix while moving in which case your car cursor will not move. The issue I mentioned is when it has full satellite signal and locked into satellites. This would never correct itself, shows full signal(8+ satellites with full signal), car cursor keeps moving and keep showing the incorrect location, but the direction of travel itself is correct.(Parallel to direction of travel). Even re-booting unit will not fix this issue,
  10. Hello everyone, There is not whole lot of information about this unit, or any help anywhere on Internet or for that matter from Pioneer. Hopefully we will get good info soon on this unit and lot of improvements, but it has to start somewhere, I observed few improvements with following. 1. Blue-tooth hanging: This is pretty much common problem for U310BT. The work around: What I have observed is if you do not synchronize the phone book, it is not hanging frequently. So I just started using without synchronizing the phone book, and I only had one hang so far in 2 week(vs p
  11. chinna_n

    Text To Speech

    I agree. This is really awful. Even 3 years old cheap portable NAV has better TTS voice than this. I thought I saw some modified Samantha TTS files some where in F-Series forum, but I can not seem to find those any more. I did downloaded some TTS voice editor softwares, but Pioneer TTS files are not compatible or supported by those editing software. I am still open, if someone can post link to an editor, or post TTS files, I can experiment and post the results.
  12. Then it is potentially Harness screwup by installer. He must have connected the illumination wire from your truck to ground or some other terminal on Radio side.
  13. But does the unit change to night mode when you turn on the lights? Only thing I can think off is, if the installer screwed up the connections in the wiring harness adapter. If he connected illumination wire somehow to ground connection, then you may see the those symptoms.
  14. chinna_n

    Text To Speech

    You need to select TTS voice in the Language options(which is Samatha TTS). Settings-->Region-->Voice Language-->Select TTS file. It is there in the manual. I am not sure about if you would like TTS voice though( pretty bad), nevertheless give it a try.
  15. Anyway, the bluetooth froze again today. So I am not sure that is exactly the reason, but for sure the frequency is reduced by not synching the phone book.
  16. Do you have this unit? I do not think there are selling tens of thousands of this unit. So you assume all people with problems come here? I came here for help in installation, and discovering features etc before I even bought the unit, I discovered the issues after the install, trying to solve issues. I thought may be only few people have problems because of installation/specific phone etc. But that does not seem to be the case here with this unit. I have not seen many/any user review who claims there are no issue. Some are happy because they got it for cheap(see above), not becau
  17. That is same firmware as I have on unit. 1.0001 as per the release notes.
  18. Here are some observations I made. 1. I reset the unit using Kill the battery method. 2. Did not sync the phone book. With these two things it seems there are no hangs with Bluetooth. It is 3rd day still working without freezing. Now, I check some other AVIC forums, it seems Phone book with characters other than just alpha numeric names/numbers are causing problems. People who cleaned their contact information without any special characters are reporting faster connection, and stable bluetooth. Can some one confirm this theory of phone book, either by not using/synching phone b
  19. BTW, I confirmed with Pioneer and Crutchfield about SD card playback. This unit does not support SD card playback, that is because unit is crippled by Pioneer. Since it uses WinCE 5.0, someday we will hack it and get SD play back. I have some plans, but feeling it little risky to play with OS at this time.
  20. It is the thin long wire on the wiring harness with a wiretap at the end.
  21. So, you mean to say you do not see the message saying "Phone has been disconnected" when you turn on the key(about 12-15 secs later)? Would you mind checking which version you are seeing in specific to Bluetooth module in yours when you get a chance? May be I should upgrade too..., any caution.. notes for the upgrade(or a mini guide)? Appreciate any help in improving the situation with this unit.
  22. So your unit does not say that "Phone has been disconnected" when turn on the key first? At least mine does, and so many others. This week couple of calls I had to take from Phone as sync was not completed, then I timed how long it takes before actually it connects to phone and I consistently got 32+ seconds from turn on the key. It is with my iPhone 2G as well as Motorola KRZR. May be you have new firmware on your unit? Would you mind checking your Firmware version for Bluetooth and Nav and let us know if that is the difference? Also would you mind clocking the time from turn on the k
  23. I would assume that would be case as BT stack implementations vary from vendor to vendor. In general BT software in the unit handles different scenarios(though all are as per spec implementation may not be same). That is the case with many hardware( like memory not compatible with certain motherboards). As per Customer Service rep only iPhone 3GS has known issues, so please call and let them know the issue you are having. If you complain, then they may fix it later firmware versions.
  24. Yes, I agree. Thinking of possibilities. But putting my thoughts/issues here atleast avoid someone else getting into the same situation or atleast make them aware of the unit issues and let them make informed decisions,
  25. I liked the unit because it is instant and do not need to boot, in retrospect I am not sure what is instant about the unit. Is it that unit shows bluetooth connected when I turned on the key, and only to tell me my phone is disconnected after 15 seconds later. How lame is that, application should know when you turn off the power it is disconnected., in addition it tells us message saying it is disconnected. User expects to see connected message after starting unit, not disconnected message.. It happend before I got out of my car.. Hello! Unit takes 32+ seconds finally connect to Phone
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