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Everything posted by vicdic

  1. vicdic

    R3 maps

    .......... and one more question: How can I see more in the new petrol_3dl (map-building) the gas stations in BIG?? Changes in the sys.txt?
  2. I will add these into the sys.txt and comment them out with a note so it should help future EU users. What section do these go in? [interface]
  3. You must change in the sys.txt: type="PIONEER746EW" tmc_events_icon_set="$tmc.spr" small_tmc_events_icon_set="$smalltmc.spr"
  4. Please, for Europe there is a greater dem File available?
  5. Hi, diaftia no working the street name! In the dispaly options is current road "on". Please help me, thanks.
  6. I am not sure what you mean by currently busy road. Can you clarify? I mean the actual street name without navigation, the state always at the top!
  7. Hi quick question, where is the currently busy road on NON navmode. Can I manually turn on again?
  8. Hi all, hi diaftia, I love this mode is a great work. What I must change for the show sky:"If you want to show sky in the 3D map mode then edit out the semicolons in the [map] section of the sys.txt file before copying over to the AVIC." [map] 3d_roads=1 3d_tunnels=1 3d_max_tiltlevel=8300 3d_min_tiltlevel=0 3dcarsizemin=1700 3dcarsizemax=3400 2dheadup=1 zoomfactor=110 ...please help, thanks, sorry for my bad english I am from Italy
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