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Everything posted by slopes2881

  1. I have my VSS wire connected (for tunnels and poor reception areas) and my bypass still works. Head unit sees the VSS pulse as well so I know it's connected properly. Hope that answers your question I also contacted Pioneer Tech Support last night about the firmware update. They might be blowing smoke up my ass but the guy said they expect it to roll out next month.
  2. I have my VSS wire connected (for tunnels and poor reception areas) and my bypass still works. Head unit sees the VSS pulse as well so I know it's connected properly. Hope that answers your question
  3. Come to think of it, I've only seen the message once as well
  4. I found one that works. It's the same one used for the X850BT. I can watch a movie orutilize the GPS while moving. I just get a notice every so often saying that the radio detected that parking brake wiring being incorrect. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/36184-avic-x850bt-bypass/
  5. I used Jeff's mod on my X950BH and it worked just fine. Only prompt I get is the unit telling me that it detected my parking brake wired inccorectly. It's not an issue because I can still watch movies while in motion as well as input addresses into the GPS. Now I'm not sure if iI'm reading your post correctly, epsilonkore, but you're supposed to do one of two things for the mod to work . . . 1) Take the Yellow Mute Wire and move it over to the left one spot (where Jeff has the green wire). Then ground the green parking wire and the nearly switched yellow mute wire. OR 2) Do wha
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