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Everything posted by brocka

  1. Would this apply for a 2004 diesel Excursion? I'm not familiar with differences between 04 and 05 Fords and if this did - that would be a huge help!
  2. Was able to find a decent enough picture and went ahead and tried it - unit works. Time to buy a new power cord.
  3. I'm trying to find a wiring diagram for the power assembly portion that plugs into the back of a 910bt. I found several pictures online but nothing ever shows the harness from the backside. Due to soldering and heat shrinking, when thieves tried to steal my radio it pulled the ground, power, and constant out. I'd like to check and see if the unit still works so I know whether or not to buy a new power assembly harness. If anyone has a good picture or can check their harness - that would be a huge help. http://parts.pioneerelectronics.com/part.asp?productNum=CDP1095
  4. brocka


    You stole my thunder! I just logged on to say the same thing.
  5. brocka


    Has anyone had a problem with receiving the rebate when ordering from Amazon? I'm getting ready to mail the rebate form along with the other items. But when it comes to 2b on the "TO QUALIFY FOR A $100 MAIL-IN REBATE" portion of the rebate pdf, it says to include a copy of the sales receipt for the Pioneer AVIC-Z120BT or AVICX920BT, which receipt must show the name and full address of the Authorized Pioneer Dealer. Anything I can find on Amazon doesn't have their address. What have others mailed in?
  6. brocka


    Sonic Electronix is not an authorized pioneer internet dealer and so the rebate is not applicable as it only applies to authorized pioneer internet dealers. I am considering ordering mine from Al-Eds today and doing a pricematch of $699.99 for one of their competitors that's listed on the website and with the MIR would make it $599.99. I also found a price through onlinecarstereo with the coupon "ocsavings" that brought the cost to around $615 and am hoping Al-Eds will match that price and order it from them as: A. I've heard bad things about onlinecarstereo and B. ordering from the authorized
  7. brocka


    Anything new for the 920?
  8. I found some newer maps that are dated 2010.06. Can I put the newer maps in place of the maps included with this without having any issues?
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