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Everything posted by cx650t

  1. In the words of Steve Martin, "Well excuse me". Sounds more like the pot calling the kettle black. It's on page 82 of the 110 manual and you still don't know what you're talking about.
  2. If you don't know what you're talking about please refrain from posting your worthless drivel. Click on Bluetooth. Click on connected devices Click on disconnect. Then click on pair. Click on Handsfree and Audio. As to disconnecting a Bluetooth device check out page 66 of the manual. No need to do any reset.
  3. I just took a long drive with the unit on Sat. I had it zoomed in to the .1 level and it constantly showed the roads I was on off to the left. (The unit has been calibrating for more than 1000 miles) Drove across the bay bridge with the arrow on the water the entire way. Tried to go a short distance in Redwood city and the nav couldn't even figure out where it was or which way it was going. Kept having me turn on wrong streets, telling me to turn now when in fact it meant the street two up from now. Finally gave up, killed the destination and went back to just driving. Once I zoomed out t
  4. Go into the Z's bluetooth settings and delete the phone. Then make sure that buletooth is turned on in the Droid. (Check under wireless settings.) Then go back on the Z and tell it to connect to "phone and audio" and the two should link up. Select Bluetooth for the audio source. Fire up your audio player on the Droid and it should start streaming to the Z. On my i1 I have no control over the droid from the Z. I also don't get any information (song title/artist) on the Z's display. My i1 also doesn't work when connected to the USB. Z claims the storage is unsupported yet it works fine on my Pc
  5. I tried it again on Sat by changing the setting from IPOD to video and it worked this time. It took a while for the Z to recognize that the setting was changed. It actually sounds better though using the bluetooth streaming.
  6. I have the VSS connected and the unit says it's calibrating. I've done almost 700 miles and the display is still off. I have one of the original TomTom Riders and it didn't require any calibration and is spot on when it comes to position and map location. Even my Motorola i1 Android phone and google maps is more accurate. I complained to Pioneer and told them they need to talk to TomTom about how to do proper navigation positioning and display. I sent Pioneer a list of nine items I'd like for them to address in any future software upgrades. Here are the top three. 1: Get rid of the worthless
  7. I have a Motorola i1 running Android 1.5 and I can get it to stream music to my Z120. The Z display shows Connect and trying to connect on the screen. If I press the connect it just tells me to start the Bluetooth on the phone. (It's already on.) If I check the Bluetooth settings on the Z it shows connected to the Motorola as both phone and audio. If I press "play" on the phone the music comes out of the Z. Unfortunately none of the Z controls affect the i1. I tried connecting the i1 directly to the USB port and the radio says the USB isn't supported. ;<
  8. cx650t

    Street names

    I noticed that the street names were not displaying on the maps as I drove around. Today I finally connected up the VSS wire and now the maps are displaying names all over. The street I'm on, the streets two streets over, the highway I'm paralleling, etc. Is your VSS connected? Z120 in 2011 Outback.
  9. I connected a stereo cable to the headphone jack on my Android i1 phone and then connected it to the AV1 jack on the Z120, but I can't get it to play any audio. I tried changing the setting on the AV1 from Ipod to video to none, and can't get it to play. Any other suggestions? And no I don't want to buy and ipod or pioneed ipod cable.
  10. I have a new z120 and the map display is way off. Is there a way to "calibrate" the system so it show the cross streets BEFORE I pass them up. It seems to be off by almost 100 yards. I pass streets before the display shows them. I found a calibration menu for 3d display, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
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