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Everything posted by drainny342

  1. Shoulders: Death Speaker Mantle is a nice little drop from RFKKaufen WOW Gold. It too is cloth, but you will not have many other choices when it comes to shouldersWOW Gold. Inquisitor's Shawl a common drop from SM that you will probably see a lot ofMetin2 Gold; it is good, so get it if you can. Ironfeather Shoulders the cream of the crop if you are not using BOA gear. I might even suggest going out of your way to pick up both Ironfeather pieces once you can wear themBuy WOW Gold. so nice
  2. For the most part, these items are going to be some of the best that you will be able to find even until the cycle repeats itself, especially at the lower end, when many items do not have spellpower on them that you find. If for whatever reason you happen to be like me and constantly getting all the lame junk that you don't need (my mage never once got a spellpower necklace at the 61-64 range ofWOW Goldleveling, only melee versions), then don't give up hope; there are still some really amazing items out there to look forward to gettingMetin2 Yang. Helm: Whisperwind Headdress these drops from
  3. When you play the game, you will notices something and the same to the play WOW Gold you should know something like the raise WOW leveling.Gear to look out for: With the introduction of the dungeon finder tool, gearing up while WOWRS Gold leveling an alt has never been easier. Each dungeon level set (generally, dungeons exist is sets that span 10 WOW leveling and share comparable loot between them) will offer a bag rewardRuneScape Gold that contains one of two item types that's pretty much the best of the best that you can find for that levelBuy WOW Gold. IT is very usefull.thx!!!
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