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Everything posted by pvdhelm

  1. is this 4.001 version also for a f700bt european version or only USA tnx patrick
  2. @ryrar tnx for your answer. I will try 7ways today in my nav system.
  3. Hi ryar, I Installed avic-net 2.1 on my euro f700bt. How do i startup the Garmin Navigation. I can't see a icon to start it up. I coppied the maps to the SD card and into the headunit, but i can't find the Garmin program. the other thing that i have is that after driving a few miles the systen gives a popup screen with some memory problems. Then ths system becomes slow and i have to reboot the system. This only happens when i use the stock nav system not when i use Primo. I didn't test it with ths Primo2 system. Can you please help me. Tnx PvdH
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