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Everything posted by D-MaxPWR

  1. I have this same exact problem any of you guys find a solution?
  2. This just happened to me a few minutes ago, I was on my way to work listening to the radio when I just started to hear a little bit of stattic. Nothing bad I thought nothing of it seemed normal for FM radio to lose signal, all of the sudden I looked at my screen and it just dimmed and turned black . The lights at the bottom Volume + - , Mode, Ect. are on but the screen is off. Soon as I got to work I turned off my truck and restarted the deck and all it showed is a grainy multi colored image then a horizontally stripped screen (black/white) few seconds later just boots into black screen, no s
  3. I was wondering the same thing.. I have a GM Truck and most cars have the onstar mic aswell..and since I don't use onstar I was thinking of splicing in the pioneer mike to the onstar one...
  4. Since its around the same topic and I'd hate to start another similar topic. Has the AVIC z130 Update been released for the z120 users? I can' seem to find it anywhere and I've searched for any related topics with no avail...?
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