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About Sjarrel

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  1. This doesn't work on F80 you need to use naviextras toolbox to update ( paid update )
  2. you have to use the naviextras program, that's the only way to install new maps that i know.
  3. Let's hope for that, it would be a shame if donators will lose there money. Fingers crossed mroset
  4. Guy's, I have more trust in spoon1, he's longer a part of this forum. Godzilla is a seller on ebay by the name salsatnav "paypal.me/salsatnav" He sells a lot of software and password codes on ebay. so maybe it was nice to spend the money he earned with that to provide the software for free. But he that's my thought,
  5. Many thnx Godzilla, I will donate Why isn't anyone interrested about the money they donated? Any status update Gozillah???
  6. Godzillah, It's a shame that we didn't know that you had a operation in the hospital, hopefully you recover 100% I can imagine the reaction and feeling that some users had true the weeks, cause some of them donated money But new chances coming up:)
  7. What do you mean with this? You gonna choose one person to share your software with?
  8. Many thnx Godzilla, I will donate Why isn't anyone interrested about the money they donated? We could check his ebay account so now and then https://www.ebay.nl/sch/salsatnav/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
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