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Everything posted by bozhankov

  1. In near time, I'm visiting a good service and if they find some solution I will inform you about it.
  2. Thank you! According to the voltage dropping it never remembers which song was played last time, and this is also very bad, so in my case, if I don't solve this problem, I will try to find new owner for it. Thanks again for your help!
  3. Or shall I try some fix, is there any chance this is software problem?
  4. Yeah but I don't have a second battery and it is unthinkable to install one. I think I'm going to sell my AVIC, cuz even withowt avic net it starts from the first song, first folder every single time and I think it is also caused by the same issue, and it is anoying
  5. Hi ! I've downloaded the avic f files trying to get flash disc back up for my F710 but as long as I see files are for US units with US maps, can I use them, or where can I fand back up for EU unit? Thanks in advance
  6. According to my double start problem, i went to service and in fact during start power turns down from 12v to 0.3v but the bad news is there is no mechanical solution for this, it is just the way the car is made. Any idea how to fix that??? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi there I wonder if we can isntall for example Winamp or Bsplayer to our units?
  8. I can't extract the files with any program. Anyone has a clue why is that?
  9. Hello! Excuse me for my stupid question, but im new here and i need a little help I want to mode/hack ( don't know what is the difference)my f710bt but i don't find topic with mods/hacks and steps to do install them. Thnaks in advance
  10. Hello! I have the following problem with my F710BT and will be vary thankfull if someone help me. When i'm listening to music via usb and stop the car, when I start again i't doesen't start from the same track and time. It starts every time from the first song, first folder. Any idea how to fix that?
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