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About jurjur

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    Madrid, Spain
  1. Buenos dias a todos. Tengo un F940BT, he entrado en testmode y ningún problema. Quiero hacer el bypass de software cambiando la velocidad del freno de mano como bien dicen por ahi es facil.... pero el problema es que me he copiado la carpeta NUSER y NDATA creo recordar y en ninguna de las dos (incluido subcarpetas) encuentro el DATA.ZIP para poder cambiar dicha información. Alguien me podría echar un cable al respecto? Muchas gracias. Un saludo.
  2. I also have f940bt, but this afternoon i tried to update the radio and i saw that my radio was on v.8.03...so... i didnt update anything... sorry but i can`t help u.
  3. Hi all... i read every post about software bypass.... but i don't know how to do it. i can get into testmode and i copied USER folder and NDATA folder to SD, i search DATA.ZIP file but i can`t find it. Please, i need help about that. I've got an AVIC-F840BT, fw ver 4.001.... on a Golf MKV with DSG... i can play videos without handbrake, but when the car reaches about 10km/h the warning message appears. Thank u.
  4. Try FormatFactory app, it's for PC and u can choose 2 options that i'm sure works on my F840BT, DIVx 360p (.avi) y (H.264)MP4 360p (.mp4) About covers on mp3, i don't think so... i think the square on the right side it's only for iPod...
  5. Try FormatFactory app, it's for PC and u can choose 2 options that i'm sure works on my F840BT, DIVx 360p (.avi) y (H.264)MP4 360p (.mp4) About covers on mp3, i don't think so... i think the square on the right side it's only for iPod...
  6. Could anyone explain me differences between F840BT y F940BT?
  7. Try FormatFactory app, it's for PC and u can choose 2 options that i'm sure works on my F840BT, DIVx 360p (.avi) y (H.264)MP4 360p (.mp4) About covers on mp3, i don't think so... i think the square on the right side it's only for iPod...
  8. Try FormatFactory app, it's for PC and u can choose 2 options that i'm sure works on my F840BT, DIVx 360p (.avi) y (H.264)MP4 360p (.mp4) About covers on mp3, i don't think so... i think the square on the right side it's only for iPod...
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