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Everything posted by umbr3lla

  1. Worked fine on my f840bt. Just copied the files over to micro sd card, plugged in and hit update and it did the rest. Happy Days
  2. Thank you for this. Worked a charm on my F840.
  3. I have a F840BT. It is the OEM version of the F940BT, which means this is the version that comes factory fitted in some cars. Sorry, I cannot remember which. If you look at the manual for it, it is the same one for the F940BT too.
  4. There is no north arrow on the top left of my screen....
  5. I have a F940BT and when I am in navigation mode there is always a thin red line from my vehicle location. I believe this points to the end destination. However is it possible that this thin red line can be turned off or removed. It appears both in 3D and 2D mode when in navigation mode. I have attached a picture of it.
  6. I have a Pioneer Avic F840BT which is running firmware 4.00. On Pioneer website I have downloaded the 4.01 firmware update. http://www.pioneer.eu/uk/support/software/AVIC-F840BT/page.html However when I unzip file AVIC-F40BT_Ver4.01.zip I am presented with a folder AVICZ110 which I have copied onto the root on my Micro SD card. The problem is when I insert my Micro SD card into the F840BT unit no update screens pop up and I cannot figure out why. I have used the card to do a radio update which works fine and add POI files to which also work fine but when I try the firmware update
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