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Resoldering GPS Antenna Wire?

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Okay during a freak accident my Gps antenna cord/wire got cut in half. Before all of this happened my Gps worked 100% all the time, i stripped the wire back and there was some shielding, stripped that back under that was some plastic, stripped that back and there was the wire. I soldered the wire back together and shrink tubed it, and started up the car, i had no gps, it showed the last location i was at, like it lost me. I went to the movies and came out and it was working perfectly fine. It works on and off, and i have no idea why, is it cause the shielding was cut away and it picking up other things/singals? also anyone know where i can buy another one and how much they cost?

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You have to make sure the shielding is connected bud. All antennas are connected via coax. There are ways to splice a coax but I've never spliced them that small before. Basically, there is a smaller splice/heat shrink that goes from the dialectric(center plastic piece on one side of the wire) to the other dialectric, connecting the center conductor. You have to make sure the shielding isn't touching the center conductor at all or it will cause a short, which I'm sure you know.


And the second splice is for the Shielding which ALSO has to be reconnected.


Now, the way you described it you did a pretty good job soldering the center conductor... Now a shield is supposed to be just that, to keep any "noise" from getting into the signal... but I suppose if you can't find a splice for a coax so small you could try running a small wire soldered to each shield, but you probably won't have a 100% signal. Honestly, the antenna's on ebay are like $15 aren't they? Thats probably your best best. I hope this helps

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Even if you reconnect the shield, it probably isn't going to work very well. The GPS signals are very high frequency and very low level. The area where your cable is now spliced, will have a different impedance than the rest of the cable. This causes many problems for the signal. You need to get another antenna.

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I had to splice a different antenna adapter onto my wire to install the unit. I just soldered the inner wire well, wrapped it in etape, then reconnected the shield by pulling all of it to one side of the wire and soldered like mad. After sealing the whole thing Ive had a perfect signal with no noise issues.

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