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Everything I've Found About the AVIC-D2 for Backgrounds

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Some of this information has been given in other threads and some of it I've found out by burning my own DVD-Roms.

1. You can change the navigation loading screen by replacing BG\BGOPEN2.JPG with your own custom JPG that is the same size (i.e. 500x240). Once you replace this file and burn your DVD you have to reset the unit in order for the unit to recognize your new file.

2. For some reason the color white in a custom PIM file (at least a PIM file converted from a JPG) shows transparent, and although I don't know why, I know several other users have had this issue.

3. Navigation Backgrounds - There are many other navigation backgrounds that apparently Pioneer didn't give us access to. I don't know if these backgrounds were for users of the N3 or these never made the cut but there are some really nice ones on the disk that you can use. In order to use the backgrounds you just extract the PIM files located at BG\PIM and/or BG\PIMANIME and then add those files to your BG\PIM2DIN folder. I've found that for the navigation background it will only display a selection of 18 files (including the "Back to Original" selection which is really the file located at BG\BGMAIN2.PIM) so make sure to only put your favorite 17 PIM files (including your custom PIMs) in the BG\PIM2DIN folder. You can also change the "Back to Original" PIM file by replacing it with your own PIM file that is renamed to BGMAIN2.PIM. Remember that this file is located in the BG directory and not the BG\PIM2DIN.

4. AV Backgrounds - The same applies as above except for some reason it displays 19 non-animated files (including the "Back to Original" selection I discussed earlier) and 5 animated files. Since the non-animated files come from the same directory as the navigation background files if you choose to put 18 PIM files in your BG\PIM2DIN the last one (in alphabetical order) will not be displayed as a navigation background selection. Animated PIMs are the exact same as regular PIMs just that the unit "animates" (if you want to even call it that, it's really just where is slowly fades out and fades in the colors of the background) the PIM. This means you can put any regular PIM file in the BG\ANIM2 folder and it will be able to be "animated." So choose your 5 most favorite PIM files and put these in the BG\ANIM2 folder.
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Can you go into detail on how to copy the DVD to the hard drive and then once replacing the file jpg how to burn ...what kind of DVD do I need? Do I need to use a DVD decrypter? all info would be helpful...

I have the Nero DVD external burner but cannot figure how to do this....The only way I could burn the DVD was to use the backup option....but it didnt work..

Please be as descriptive as possible..I appreciate your help

Thanks Tom
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