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Rollback firmware....rear cam problems

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On 1.07, my backup camera worked without fail.  Previously, it was intermittent.  Sometimes, I would just get a black screen.  But the problem went away on 1.07.


On 1.08, this problem is happening again.  On initial start, when backing out...it works fine.  But if I try it again, whether it be holding the maps button or backup up again...I get the black screen.


I want to confirm that this is a software issue.


How can I rollback to 1.07?  Is it simply a matter of updating via SD card, or do I need to do a factory reset? 

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On 1.07, my backup camera worked without fail.  Previously, it was intermittent.  Sometimes, I would just get a black screen.  But the problem went away on 1.07.


On 1.08, this problem is happening again.  On initial start, when backing out...it works fine.  But if I try it again, whether it be holding the maps button or backup up again...I get the black screen.


I want to confirm that this is a software issue.


How can I rollback to 1.07?  Is it simply a matter of updating via SD card, or do I need to do a factory reset? 


I'm not sure rollback is possible. I know that after 1.06 came out, Pioneer said it was impossible to go back to the firmware before it.

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On 1.07, my backup camera worked without fail. Previously, it was intermittent. Sometimes, I would just get a black screen. But the problem went away on 1.07.


On 1.08, this problem is happening again. On initial start, when backing out...it works fine. But if I try it again, whether it be holding the maps button or backup up again...I get the black screen.


I want to confirm that this is a software issue.


How can I rollback to 1.07? Is it simply a matter of updating via SD card, or do I need to do a factory reset?


Im having issues with back up cam. But i think mine is coming from using factory cam linked to reverse light power instead of switched power. Are you using a aftermarket cam or factory. I noticed on the 1.06 release notes it says to use a aftermarket cam.

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