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CD-SR11 /w D3 - What was Pioneer Thinking?

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I've got a brand new CD-SR11 and replaced the battery. The remote works fine if I hold it and point the top of it directly at the D3, however, if it's mounted anywhere on the steering wheel (which, naturally will point to the northwest if it's at 2 O'Clock or to the NE if it's at 5 O'Clock, the signal doesn't reach the D3. What kind of design decision is that? I can't use the steering wheel remote mounted on the steering wheel?


The AVIC's mounted at the top of my dash in a Subaru Forester. There's no direct sunlight at all. Does the remote just suck, did Pioneer design a shoddy remote, or is there another remote I should be using?

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I have mine mounted in the 9 o'clock position on my steering wheel and it works fairly well. It tends to work better during the day and when I'm wearing a light-colored shirt (the signal bounces off my shirt to the D3).


FYI, the infrared port is located on the bottom of the SR-11 remote, not the top. Holding it directly to the D3 won't be effective if the top part of the remote is facing the D3.


Oh, and another thing: the SR-11 wasn't made for the D3 so it's not going to work perfectly. As far as I know there isn't a steering wheel remote made to work directly with the D3 thusfar.

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(the signal bounces off my shirt to the D3).

Am I the only one that thinks that a remote control designed to bounce its signals off of its user's shirt, and its usability varies with the color of the shirt you wear is a bit assinine? My steering wheel happens to be a little more upright, so the bottom of the remote is pointed at my pants - That's not an uncommon thing. Is the IR signal supposed to bounce off of my jeans?


FYI, the infrared port is located on the bottom of the SR-11 remote, not the top. Holding it directly to the D3 won't be effective if the top part of the remote is facing the D3.


Again...poor design. Wouldn't it have made sense to mount the IR port say...on the bottom SIDE of the remote control? You know, aimed at where most people will put the receiver? (behind the steering wheel, to the right usually?) Are all of Pioneer's steering wheel remotes this poorly conceived?


Oh, and another thing: the SR-11 wasn't made for the D3 so it's not going to work perfectly. As far as I know there isn't a steering wheel remote made to work directly with the D3 thusfar.


As stated previously, if the remote is pointed directly at the D3, the limited functionality works. When it is mounted according to the documentation, and for usability purposes, away from my gauges, it fails to even register volume changes. My Kenwood remote at least had a lead with the IR port teathered to it, so you could point the IR port in any direction that you wanted so it'd face your receiver. If all of Pioneer's remotes are Rube Goldbergish enough to require bouncing a signal off of a bright shirt with a steering wheel mounted at just the right angle in order to control the receiver, are there any remotes that will work with the Pioneer that actually have the IR ports pointed where they should? Do any of Pioneer's other remotes?

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I'm working on a couple cars in integrating factory mounted steering wheel controls to the same vehicle w/o those controls and using the SWI-PS.


What does this have to do regarding Pioneer's inability to design a remote that works in a sensible fashion?

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  • 9 months later...

Just kicking this thread to see if anyone has heard or knows of a steering wheel remote that works well with the D3. I just received my CD-SR11 which works for some audio functions as long as I hold it about 12"-18" from the face of the D3 but not when mounted on the steering wheel. I have had similar results to others on this and other threads.


Any updates since May '07?

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Thanks bashed1. That looks like a pretty simple fix. I'll give it a try when I get back home in a couple of days. As you note, that is the SR100 but I can at least take the SR11 apart and see what I can do. It is certainly worth a try. I only paid $33 for the remote at http://www.CartronixPlus.com with dealer only/no factory warranty.


Thanks again.

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